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Showing 7 results for Extension

G.h. Zamani,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2000)

Agricultural colleges have three main objectives: training, research, and offering public services. Transfer and dissemination of agricultural knowledge and technology is the best example of universities’ services. In this regard, agricultural extension has the important role of linking agricultural colleges with agricultural industry. The linkage between extension and agricultural colleges is effective in promoting the two organizations and ultimately enhancing the development of agriculture. Therefore, the significance of this linkage has been emphasized by many program planners as well as researchers.

This descriptive research was conducted to analyze the perception of the faculty members at Agricultural College of Shiraz University and the extension agents and specialists of Fars Province. A theoretical framework was developed based on a “communication model”, and forty-seven factors effective in establishing and promoting the linkage between research and extension were recognized. The results revealed that the most important factor in research-extension linkage is “the degree of contact and knowledge of local agricultural affairs by researchers”. The paper concludes by providing recommendations that could be used to strengthen the interaction between research and extension institutions.

I. Malek Mohammadi, A. Shafii Alavijeh,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2000)

Mutual understanding among officials and followers has been a point of concern in behavioral management. Natural resources extension which, from the very first step, is concerned with the exploration of practical problems is in serious need of an atmosphere of mutual understanding between agents and clientele. In this research, attention was drawn toward the measurement of mutual understanding between executives and nomads regarding nomads’ problems in utilizing natural resources and breeding cattle in Isfahan Province. For this purpose, initially, understanding between nomads and natural resources administrators (extension agents and specialists) regarding their respective problems were measured and compared. The research population of the study consisted of two groups. The first, involved 32 administrators, extension agents and specialists, and the second, 75 nomad families. Two different questionnaires were developed for the study as research instruments in which 52 items regarding nomad problems were included. Each part of the population was asked to rank the items accordingly. Then, some nonparametric tests such as Kruscall Wallis and Mann Whitny U tests were applied to compare the mean rank for each item within and between the two groups.

Results showed that the administrators and nomads had different attitudes in only two of the 52 items. Administrators had no statistically significant different attitude in 52 problems. Eliminating the discriminating items, the attitudes in only two groups were compared and results showed that they had no significant difference in the remaining 48 items. Therefore, extension agents can follow these problems based on their mean rank priority in their developmental projects. This method of data reduction and understanding field constraints can be applied to the studies dealing with planning agricultural and/or natural resources development projects through extension education.

H. Sedighi, M. Beglarian,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (1-2005)

Today, privatization of agricultural extension services is recognized as an appropriate approach to compensate for any weakness that the traditional extension system might have. The primary objective of this research was to study the attitude of the national top managers (including general managers, their deputies, and extension managers) of Jihad-e Keshavarzi Organizations (JKO), toward privatization of agricultural extension. Twenty JKOs from 20 provinces were randomly selected for study. A questionnaire was developed to the gather information needed and 107 general managers, deputies, and extension managers were randomly selected for this purpose. A pilot test was conducted on a similar population and reliability coefficients of (A Cronbach Alpha) 81%, and 89% were obtained for the attitude and managerial characteristics of the questionnaire respectively. The results showed that 93.83% of the subjects had either “positive” or “relatively positive” attitude toward privatization of agricultural extension. The majority of the subjects indicated that privatization of extension could provide a “supplementary means to complement the existing public extension services”. A hierarchical regression analysis indicated that the independent variables collectively are responsible for 17.4% (R2 =0.174) of the variation in dependent variables. This indicates that a considerable amount of variances in dependent variables are yet unaccounted for that could be explained by variables that were not investigated in this study (requiring further study).
A. Khatoonabadi,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2005)

Public (or governmental) extension services suffer from its limitations and inadequacies to fulfill the requirements for sustainable farming practices. This study examines the aspects of practicing agricultural extension Privatization in Isfahan. The statistical sample society of the survey was the extension practitioners and technicians. Data were gathered through field questioning techniques and interpreted by the analytical methods of statistics in Isfahan province. The result of the survey method on 105 agricultural extension agents and practitioners revealed that: 1) big farmers have more interest for private extension services than small farmers, 2) the more knowledgeable the farmers, the more demand for private advices 3) pest management, greenhouse production, mechanization and market information are given priority for private advisory services. Finally, "cooperative advisory service" was found to be the most relevant structure to motivate farmers' learning and consultancy activities.
A.a. Shahroudi , M. Chizari,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  The purpose of this study was to investigate and analyze the factors affecting farmers’ attitudinal dimensions toward participation in Water Users’ Association (WUA) by comparing two groups of farmers in irrigation networks with WUA and without it. The methodological approach was a descriptive-correlational and causal-comparative study of the survey type. The target population in the study consisted of 2551 farmers of irrigation networks in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province, Iran. Using stratified random sampling technique, 335 participants were chosen. Data were collected through a questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS, V.13. Content and face validity of the instrument were obtained by the faculty members of Agricultural Extension and Education, Agronomy and Irrigation Departments at Tarbiat Modarres University and also specialists board of Agricultural Jihad Organization and Regional Water Joint-stock Company in Khorasan-e-Razavi Province. The reliability analysis was conducted and cronbach’s alpha values for the various sections of instrument were estimated between 0.73 and 0.86. The descriptive findings of the study showed that the majority of farmers’ overall attitude with respect to participation in WUA was at a good level. The results obtained from Pearson correlation analysis indicated that there are significant and positive relationships between such variables as education level, size of irrigated cultivated landholding, annual income, extension contacts, social capital components, water users’ perceptions regarding irrigation networks status and farmers’ participation status concerning irrigation networks management with the farmers’ overall attitude toward participation in WUA. The result of stepwise multivariate regression analysis indicated that 61.1% (R2 = 0.611) of the variance in farmers’ attitudes with respect to participation in WUA could be explained by farmers’ behaviour regarding optimum farm water management, social participation, social confidence, water users’ perceptions regarding irrigation networks status, farmers’ participation status concerning irrigation networks management. Also, significant differences were found between the two respondent groups in irrigation networks with WUA and without it in relation to farmers’ attitudinal dimensions.

M. Falaki, H. Shabanali Fami, H. Iravani , H. Movahed Mohammadi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2008)

The continuous rapid development of telecommunications and computer-based information technology (IT) is probably one of the biggest factors of change in agricultural extension, which will facilitate and reinforce other changes. There are many possibilities for the potential applications of the technology in agricultural extension, about which attitudes of extension professionals is highly important. The present study was conducted to assess the attitude of extension professionals which can affect the adoption of IT by extension system. The population of the study consisted of 1145 extension professionals working throughout the country in different provinces. Using a stratified random sampling technique, 241 extension experts were selected as the sample for the study. The reliability and validity of the tools of study were confirmed by a pilot study and expert judgment. The results of the study indicated that the respondents had higher knowledge on word processing softwares, windows and file management in the area of computer application. In contrast, in the area of internet application they were mainly interested in getting information from specialized sites, searching by search engines of Yahoo and Google and exchanging e-mails. Correlation analysis showed that there was a significant relationship between the attitude of extension professionals and their age, educational attainments, knowledge of IT, its application and English language proficiency. Meanwhile, there was a significant difference between attitudes of male and female extension experts towards IT.
A Amini, M Shahsavan, A Zeinal Hamedani,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)

Women as extension help-agents could play an important role in rural extension programs. This study was aimed at evaluating the success of women as extension help-agents, and factors affecting their success in Isfahan province, Iran. The data was randomly collected from 156 extension help-agents, using Cochran formula. The validity and reliability of constructed questioners were checked, using Cronbach Alfa and K.M.O. criteria. The results showed that 6.5 percent of the agents gained a success score of more than or equal to the average score, 50.3 percent equal to the average score, and 43.2 percent gained less than the average success score. The Effective factors are categorized as the degree of their familiarity with the problems of the population, the degree of their involvement in extension-educational programs, and factors such as their access to rural libraries, financial and occupational background and contribution to community and team work. According to the regression analysis results, participation activities of the villagers, financial status of the help-agents and educational programs provide most influential factors for successful extension programs.

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