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Showing 1 results for Fao- Penman- Monteith

B. Noori, H. Noori, Gh. Zehtabian, A. H. Ehsani, H. Khosarvi, H. Azarnivand,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2020)

Due to the impact of climate change on the plant water demand and the availability of water, especially in drylands, it is vital to estimate the evapotranspiration rates accurately. In this study, the vegetation status in the marginal desert areas of Varamin Plain was studied, and the actual evapotranspiration and water demand of intercropped farms were assessed. This study also evaluated the potential relationship between the evapotranspiration of different agricultural lands and their vegetation index using remote sensing techniques. A collection of satellite images from Landsat 7 in consecutive seasons was used to determine the greenness rate of marginal desert areas during 2013 and 2014. ENVI software was used for the image processing, which included geometric corrections and atmospheric corrections, to develop NDVI maps. Also, weather data and crop properties of Varamin Plain were collected, and the actual evapotranspiration rate of plant cover was estimated using CropWat. The correlation between NDVI extracted from satellite images and the evaluated evapotranspiration rate was assessed. The results showed a strong relationship between evapotranspiration of heterogeneous agricultural lands and NDVI. This confirmed that the NDVI derived by remote sensing approach could be a useful index to evaluate vegetation status and water demand of farmlands in the desert borders.

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