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Showing 2 results for Floodwater Spreading

K. Kamali, M. Mahdian2, M. Arabkhedri1, A. Charkhabi1, N. Ghiasi1 and A. M. Mahdian, M. Arabkhedri, A. Charkhabi, N. Ghiasi, A. Sarreshtehdari,
Volume 15, Issue 57 (10-2011)

Floodwater Spreading (FS) plays an effective role in improving soil fertility, ground water recharge, vegetation cover, and desertification control. The soil fertility might increase as a result of a suitable suspended sediment material transferred to the downstream by flood events. To define a relevant FS method which increases the efficiency of the FS projects, it is necessary to study the quality and quantity of transported sediment material, spatially and temporarily. In this research, this subject was investigated by taking soil samples throughout 13 FS stations for physical and chemical analysis over 5 years. Within each of the 13 selected stations in the three first flooded dikes, soil sampling was carried out using random-systematic method. The total Nitrogen, absorbed Phosphorous and Potassium, and Organic Carbon of each sample were analyzed. Because of the abnormality of data, nonparametric test was adopted to compare means. All stations were classified into three groups using cluster analysis method. Based on the results, the variations of fertility factors are irregular between the dikes and amongst years. This could have been affected by several factors such as the quality and quantity of diverted flood, the characteristic of FS sites, and irregularity of sediment material deposited on the sites. Despite the low quality of soil fertility prior to the construction of these stations, in general, FS has a considerable role in improving the soil fertility. However, desirable objectives may be achieved in long term through occurrence of diverse flood events and suitable maintenance of the stations.
A. Malekian, H. Alipour, M. Kheirkhah Zarkesh, S. Gharachelo,
Volume 18, Issue 69 (12-2014)

Determine appropriate locations with accuracy and speed required is for Floodwater spreading very important. The main objective of this research, preparation, use and evaluation decision support systems is based on GIS and RS techniques to identify and prioritization appropriate areas Floodwater spreading in the study area. In this study area suitable for flood water spreading were selected based on major criteria four, sub criteria eight and index twentyfour. Finally five scenario will be provide and assessment (a scenario based on the relative values for the criteria four, and different scenarios four based on the obvious one of the main criteria). Comparison desirability average among the scenarios five indicate that it is Sub watershed (1) In the scenario third (infilteration preferred, water application preference and equality of all the main criteria) had a higher average desirability therefore between Sub watershed 2 in this scenario is preferred more than the other Sub. Of between the two sub watershed ivar region considering that the desirability average, sub watershed (1) and implemented of between scenarios, scenario (1) (infilteration major criteria preferred) were selected as first priority. Second priority for Floodwater spreading site selection is belong to sub watershed 2, and with scenario (1).

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