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Showing 3 results for Flow Rate

N Shahmirzaee, S Kamgar,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

One of the most important goals of precision farming is preparing yield map. Recently in Iran, planting of corn has received special attention. Therefore, among the different methods of yield measurement such as using impact sensor at the outlet port of forage harvester (chopper), displacement sensors at feed rollers of forage harvester, continuous measurement of discharged material to trailing wagon and using the torque meter, the present study made use of the torque meter method. This method consisted of a torque transmitting shaft equipped with laser-based encoders to monitor twist in a real time mode. The unit output could be exported to a computer via a microcontroller installed into the interface device. For calibration of the torque meter output with material feed rate in lab conditions, a conveyor was used to feed homogenous amount of material at a specific rate to the chopper. The experiment was conducted at 3 feed rates of silage corn and at 3 feed roll speeds of the chopper with 3 replications. Correlation between the feed rate and recorded power at different gears of the chopper was established. Relationships between feed rate and recorded power of the chopper at gears 1, 2 and 3 were linear with calculated R2 of 0.95, 0,98 and 0.98, respectively.
F. Gavazi, E. Maroufpoor,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (6-2017)

The main purpose of this study is investigation of hydraulic properties in drip irrigation tape. In this study, 10 types of drip irrigation tape were tested, and the effect of 4 temperatures of water, 13, 23, 33 and 43 °C, was investigated according to the standard ISO 9261 and ISO IRISI. Initially all experiments were performed in standard temperature (23°C) in order to obtain qualitative evaluation indexes of tapes. The results obtained were as follows: According to the Cv, 8 models of tapes were ranked as good and 2 models as medium. According to the difference between the actual and nominal flow rates, 3 models were ranked as good, 3 models as medium, 3 models were acceptable and 2 models were unacceptable. According to the EU, 9 models were ranked as excellent and T3 was ranked as good. According to the UC, UC of all models was more than 70% and their flow rate variation follows normal distribution. According to qvar, flow rate changes in 3 models were acceptable, 2 models were ranked as good and 5 models were unacceptable.

H. Kheibar, S. M. Sajjadi, J. Ahadiyan,
Volume 24, Issue 3 (11-2020)

Lopac gates, with the benefits of easy installation, automation and the ability to pass sediments and floating objects, are among the new structures considered for water level regulation and flow control in the irrigation canals. Converting the shape of the gate from a rectangular one to an elliptical one allows the flow rate to be increased by the same water level. In the present study, the effect of the sudden transition on the discharge and energy dissipation of the elliptical-lopac gate (ELG) in the submerged flow conditions was evaluated in the laboratory. The results showed that the dimensionless discharge and energy dissipation of the ELG with sudden transition to channel width conditions was decreased by 28 to 86% and increased by 11 to 35%, respectively. Finally, the statistical equations were presented to estimate the dimensionless discharge and energy dissipation of ELG by sudden transition under submerged flow conditions with a maximum error of 16%.

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