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Showing 2 results for Froud Number

A. Masjedi, M. Sobhani,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (1-2016)

Riprap is used to control scouring around the bridge abutment. In order to study the stability of riprap around two bridge abutments with two different shapes, experiments were conducted in a laboratory flume made of Plexiglass in 180 degree bend.  In this research, several experiments were done by placing the two bridge abutments made of Plexiglas in a series of riprap. Experiments included two different types of riprap with different densities, four different diameters and constant rate of discharge under pure water condition. In each experiment, flow depth was measured in terms of moving threshold, then stability was calculated by using the data obtained. The results showed that in the same conditions chamfered wing-wall is greater than vertical-wall. So, chamfered wing-wall is, on average, 9 percent more stable than the vertical wall. 

M. Niroubakhsh, A.r. Masjedi, M. Heidarnejad, A. Bordbar,
Volume 28, Issue 4 (2-2025)

The application of flip bucket and triangular launchers with different shapes has been given more attention due to safety and better energy consumption to protect the downstream bed of water structures, as well as economic benefits compared to other energy consumers. The objective of this research was to investigate the energy loss of the passing flow in the dentated flip bucket and dentated triangular sill spillways in laboratory and numerical conditions. Physical and numerical modeling was used in a rectangular flume with a length of 9 meters, a width of 0.5 meters, and a height of 0.5 meters, flip bucket, and triangular spillways with dentated with specific dimensions according to the USBR standard in different discharges intensities in laboratory and numerical conditions. The amount of energy loss in the dentated flip bucket spillway was 71.4% and the dentated triangular sill spillway was 74.8% in laboratory conditions, which showed that the dentated triangular sill spillway has a better performance in terms of energy loss than the flip bucket and triangular spillway. The results showed that the shape of the spillway geometry and the presence of the dentated at the end of the structure is an important and influential factor in the amount of energy loss of the currents passing through the dentated flip bucket and dentated triangular sill spillways, which causes more broken and compressed flow lines and, as a result, an increase in speed at the moment. The launch and finally the relative loss of energy is more downstream of the structure. After determining the better performance of the dentated triangular sill spillway in energy loss, the numerical simulation of the dentated triangular sill spillway was performed using the numerical calculation method in Flow-3D software. The results of the analyses indicated that the amount of energy loss in the dentated triangular sill spillway in the numerical calculations was 87.5%, which showed the alignment and correctness of the tests performed with the laboratory conditions.

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