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Showing 2 results for Gelling Agent

G. R. Mesbahi, J. Jamalian,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2002)

Pectin is used in a number of foods as a gelling agent, thickener, texturizer, emulsifier and stabilizer. Sugar-beet pulp, the residue left from sugar extraction, is a rich source of pectin. It was the purpose of this study to develop a procedure for the extraction of pectin from sugar-beet pulp and to improve the functional properties of this pectin for more potential uses. To extract pectin, pressed beet pulp was dried and powdered. Then, it was extracted under various conditions (pH 1 and 1.5, temperatures of 80oC and 90oC and extraction periods of 1, 2, 3 and 4 hr). The highest yield (22.35%) was obtained at 90oC after 4 hr at pH 1. Chemical composition of the extracted pectin and that of commercial citrus pectin were determined and compared. Also, the beet pulp pectin was used in certain foods and its functional properties were compared with those of the commercial citrus pectin. The effects of ammonium persulfate and high pH levels on the above mentioned properties were investigated. Finally, the effects of the beet pulp pectin and the commercial citrus pectin on the flavor of certain foods were evaluated. The results indicate that the extracted beet pulp pectin can be used in certain foods such as ketchup sauce as a thickener or as an agent increasing the viscosity however, it does not have the ability to form firm gels in food.
R. Haddad, Gh. Garousi, M. Ghannadnia,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (10-2008)

To study the effects of different combinations of auxin (IBA, NAA) and cytokinin (BAP, TDZ) regulators, basal salts (MS, WPM, NN) and gelling agents (Gelrite and Plant Agar) on the growth and development of seedless grape explants (cv. Bidaneh Soltani), a factorial experiment was conducted based on a completely randomized design. The number and length of grown shoots were analyzed as two main characteristics. Growth regulators and salts had significant effects (at %1) on the shoot proliferation. The highest number of shoots was observed on MS salts combined with BAP (2.2 mg/l) and IBA (0.5 mg/l) on the 18th days of culture. Compared to Plant Agar, Gelrite had a better effect on the normal growth of the shoots. Based on the new shoots, combinations of MS salts and hormones may be used for micropropagation of seedless grape cultivars in the in vitro condition.

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