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Showing 2 results for Genetic Evaluation

H. Farhangfar, H. Rezaee,
Volume 11, Issue 40 (7-2007)

A total of 179,460 monthly test-day milk records (thrice a day milking) obtained from 17,946 Iranian Holstein heifers distributed in 287 herds and calved from 1986 to 2001 were used to predict breeding value of animals. Monthly test-day milk production was analysed by applying a covariance function in which the effects of herd-year-season of production (HYSOP), age at test day (covariate), additive genetic and permanent environmental effects were included. Orthogonal legendre polynomials up to order 5 (quartic) were also implemented in the covariance model to take account of the genetic and environmental aspects of milk production variation over the course of the lactation. In the present research, breeding values of individual animals based upon 305-day and monthly test-day milk yields were compared. The results indicated that ranking of ten top sires, dams as well as progenies changed as the genetic evaluation of animals switched from the traditional (based on 305-day milk yield) to the new method that was based on the covariance function. Regression analysis of average breeding value of progenies on the first year of their calving showed that the amount of genetic trend obtained from the covariance function for 305-day milk yield was greater than that of the 305-day model (11.607 vs. 3.860 Kg/year) over the period of 16 years of calving. The phenotypic trend for lactation milk yield was 92.97 Kg per year which was statistically significant. This finding indicates that a large proportion of annual increase of milk production of Holstein heifers in Iran has been due to environmental rather than genetic improvement.
H. Farhangfar, H. Naeemipour , R. Lotfi,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2008)

This study was undertaken to estimate genetic trend and parameters of Holstein cattle in Khorasan province for milk yield using a spline random regression test day animal model. A total of 32854 monthly test day milk records (twice and thrice a day milking) obtained from 3842 Holstein heifers (progeny of 466 sires) distributed in 125 herds and calved from 2001 to 2005 was used to predict breeding value of individual animals. In the model, fixed effects of herd including year-month of recording, milking times, age at calving (linear and quadratic covariables), Holstein gene percentage (linear covariable) as well as random effects of additive genetic and permanent environment were studied. To take account of the shape of the lactation curve at genetic and environmental levels, cubic spline polynomials were also included in the test day model. Bayesian method by applying Gibbs sampling technique (100000 chains applying RRGIBBS software) was utilized to obtain posterior means of predicted breeding value of animals for milk yield at individual month of lactation. The results showed that mean of breeding value for 305-day milk yield was 52.90 kg (p<0.05). Spearman rank correlations between predicted breeding values at different months of lactation decreased as the interval between them increased. The highest and lowest rank correlations were found between months 8 and 9 (0.998) and between months 1 and 10 (0.312), respectively. Predicted breeding value of 305-day milk had the lowest and highest rank correlations with predicted breeding value at months 1 (0.553) and 6 (0.990), respectively. Regression analysis of average predicted breeding value of progenies in their birth year showed that the amount of genetic trend for 305 day milk yield was 17.75 kg per year, statistically no different from zero (p value=0.165).

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