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Showing 2 results for Geographic Information Systems

M. Arabi, A. Soffianian , M. Tarkesh Esfahani,
Volume 17, Issue 63 (6-2013)

Physicochemical characteristics of soil, land cover/use and human activities have effects on heavy metals distribution. In this study, we applied Classification and Regression Tree model (CART) to predict the spatial distribution of zinc in surface soil of Hamadan province under Geographic Information System environment. Two approaches were used to build the model. In the first approach, 10% of total data were randomly selected as test data and residual data were used for building model. In the second approach, all data were used to build and evaluate the CART model. Determination coefficient (R2) and Mean Square Error (MSE) were applied to estimate the accuracy of model. Final model included 51 nodes and 26 terminal nodes (leaf). Calcium carbonate, slope, sand, silt and land use/cover were determined by the CART model to predict spatial distribution of Zn as the most important independent variables. The regions of western Hamadan province had the highest concentration of Zn whereas the lowest concentration of Zn occurred in the regions of northern Hamadan province. The results indicate good accuracy of CART model using R2 and MSE indices.
V. Sarvi, H. R. Matinfar,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2019)

In the face of rapid growth of the population and the need for food production sectors, one of the ways to achieve this is to increase the production per unit area. In modern agriculture, the preparation of soil fertility map seems to be necessary to plan for appropriate use of fertilizers for crops. This study was conducted to prepare a distinct map for evaluating the soil fertility according to soil chemical properties in 191 soil samples of Ardabil Plain in Ardabil Province. To achieve this goal, the available N and P, K, EC, Fe, Zn, Mn and the organic matter of soil were mapped using geostatistical Kriging estimator into the Geographic Information System (GIS) by the ArcGIS software. The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used for weighting the soil fertility factors as the input data. Then, a membership functions was defined for each factor by factorial scoring and the map of soil fertility was prepared and classified by using the AHP technique into the GIS program. The results showed that most of nitrogen and phosphorus with the weight of 0.293, 0.202 had the mostly infraction on the soil fertility and production. Survey map of the distribution showed that most of the factors were studied in the northern region with the low nutrients. The results also showed that 23.7 percent of cultivated land fertility maps had a poor fertility status, 28.3 percent of the land had a moderate fertility status, 25.4 percent of the land was good and the fertile land with 22.6 percent had a very good fertility status.

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