M. H. Farpour, M. K. Eghbal, H. Khademi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2003)
Gypsiferous Aridisols are of great importance and extent in arid and semi-arid environments. There is a close relationship between soil genesis and landscape positions. This study aimed to determine the genesis and classification of gypsiferous soils and to investigate the relationship between micro-and macro-morphology of gypsum crystals and geomorphic positions in Rafsanjan area. The study area is located in Nough, 30 km north of Rafsanjan with a mean annual precipitation of 60 mm. Seven representative pedons were selected on different geomorphic positions. Physico-chemical, micromorphological, XRD, and SEM observations were performed on soil samples. Rock pediment geomorphic surfaces, that are in fact peripheries of old closed water bodies in central Iran, are the source of gypsum in the area. Large gypsum pendants and microforms of lenticular, vermiform, platy, and interlocked gypsum plates are found in rock pediment. The amount of gypsum and the size of pendants decrease moving down the slope. Lenticular and interlocked gypsum plates are found in a transition of pediment and playa. Puffy ground is observed on the saline surface of playa. Lenticular and vermiform gypsum crystals increase down the slope, but alabastrine gypsum is the most dominant form of gypsum in the playa surface. Large amounts of soft gypsum nodules are found on the rock pediment surface (western slope). In addition, spindle form of gypsum and palycrete bundles are observed in this position. Wind action played a significant role in the genesis and development of soil in rock pediment. A close relationship was found between morphology of gypsum crystals and geomorphic positions.
M. Zeraatpisheh, Sh. Ayoubi, H. Khademi, A. Jafari,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2019)
Landscapes are considered as a series of different land units with a size, shape and location arrangement that are permanently under the influence of natural events and human activities. Understanding the dynamics and heterogeneity of landscapes and environmental changes is of great importance. In order to quantitatively analyze and interpret the factors affecting the changes in the environment and terrain diversity, diversity indices were used to analyze the ecosystem. In this study, the relationships between soils evolution and geomorphic surfaces were investigated by applying pedodiversity indices in a part of a semi-arid region of Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiyari Province. In the studied area, three orders were recognized: Mollisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols. The results showed that soil evolution in the studied area was mostly influenced by topography, parent material and the underground water level; that is, in the higher lands, the lowest evolution was observed while in the plain ones, the soil of the higher evolution observed. In addition, the effect of geomorphic surfaces were obvious. Pedodiversity indices increased under the decrease of the hierarchy levels. In addition, the obtained equations revealed the nonlinear relationships in the area of geomorphic surfaces. The positive and nonlinear relationship between pedodiversity indices confirmed the nonlinear dynamic system in the studied soils.