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Showing 4 results for Grain Quality

M. Golabadi, A. Arzani,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2002)

To study grain quality traits and their relationships with high molecular weight (HMW) and low moleculor weight (LMW) glutenin subunits, 104 durum wheat genotypes were used. Six grain quality characteristics comprising wet and dry gluten content, test weight, grain hardiness, protein content and SDS sedimentation volume were studied. HMW and LMW glutenin subunits were evaluated using SDS-polyacrylamid gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) in 33 genotypes. Statistical analysis including correlation coefficients, factor analysis, cluster analysis of genotypes based on qualitative traits, analysis of variance in qualitative traits based on HMW, LMW, and combination of subunits as well as all of subunits, and canonical correlation analysis between glutenin subunits and qualitative traits were used. Factor analysis of the genotypes detected 2 factors, which explained 65 percent of the total variation among the data. These were named quantitative protein and qualitative protein. Based on cluster analysis, the genotypes were classified into four clusters. The genotypes in groups 2 and 4 were beneficial in terms of protein quantity and quality. In evaluating glutenin subunits, 7 HMW subunits and 2 LMW subunits were detected. Subunit null of Glu-Al was observed. Subunits 7+8, 6+8, 13+16 and 20 at Glu-Bl were observed however, neither of them had significant differences in qualitative traits, but 6+8 and 7+8 had a higher SDS sedimentation rate than 20. LMW-1 and LMW-2 had significant differences in protein content and SDS sedimentation LMW-1 had higher protein content whereas LMW-2 had higher SDS sedimentation. Combibation of subunit LMW-1 / HMW 7+8 had the highest protein content and LMW-2/HMW 7+8 had the highest SDS sedimentation. Results of canonical correlation showed that presence of LMW-2 and HMW 7+8, and absence of LMW-1 and HMW 20 in durum wheats caused an increase in SDS sedimentation and a reduction in protein and gluten content.
M. Eslami, S.a.m. Mirmohammady Maibody, A. Arzani,
Volume 9, Issue 3 (10-2005)

To evaluate heritability, phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients, phenotypic and genotypic variances as well as relationships between some of the grain quality traits, an investigation was conducted in a randomized complete block design replicated three times in 2001, using four durum wheat genotypes PI40100, Dipper-6, Oste/Gata, Shova and their F2 and F3 progenies derived from their crosses. Grain quality characteristics including seed hardiness, protein content, SDS sedimentation volume and gluten content were evaluated. The results indicated that wet gluten content and dry gluten content had the highest coefficient of variation. Statistical analysis showed a significant difference between genotypes for all traits with the exception of SDS sedimentation volume. Dry gluten content had the highest heritability (90.4%) while SDS sedimentation volume had the lowest heritability (48.6%). Results of correlation analysis indicated that seed hardiness correlated significantly with protein content, SDS sedimentation and dry gluten content. Protein content had a positive correlation with wet and dry gluten content. Since dry gluten content showed a high correlation with protein content (quantity) and seed hardiness had a high correlation with SDS sedimentation volume, hence these two traits can be used as the selection criteria for improving quality of protein in durum wheat.
M. Modaraye Mashhoud, M. Esfahany, M. Nahvi,
Volume 11, Issue 42 (1-2008)

  In order to reduce the rainfall damages on rice yield at harvest stage, a field experiment was conducted at Rice Research Institute of Iran, Rasht, in 2004 by using Sodium Chlorate as a chemical desiccant. Five seed moisture contents of Dorfak rice cultivar were considered as experimantal treatments [24 - 28% (M1), 22 - 24% (M2), 20 -22% (M3). 18 - 20% (M4) and control (M5= conventional harvesting)]. The experiment was carried out in a randomized complete block design with three replications and the effects of treatments on grain yield, head rice yield,seed germination rate and percentage, kernel breakage, kernel cracking, amylose content, gelatinization temperature and gel consistency were evaluated. Results showed that the whole plant and grain moisture contents were significantly reduced in all experimental treatments compared with control. M2 and M3 both cosiderably reduced the plant moisture content in which harvesting occurred 12 and 8 days respectively sooner than the control. In M1, due to high grain moisture and non - simultaneous grain filling in different tillers, many of panicles desiccated prior to maturity lost their quality. In M4, the crop harvested was only 2 days earlier than the control. Analysis of variance showed that there were no significant effects of treatments on evaluated traits. It seems that rice plant could be reliably desiccated by Sodium Chlorat and harvested earlier without any adverse effects on its quality and quantity.

Sh Kiani, N Babaeeian Jelodar, Gh Ranjbar, S.k Kazemi Tabar, M Norouzi,
Volume 13, Issue 47 (4-2009)

In order to study gene action in rice for traits related to quality (gelatinization temperature, gel consistency and amylose content), four varieties of rice (Sang-e-Tarrom, Gerdeh, IRRI2 and IR229) were investigated. Ten different generations including P1, P2, F1, RF1, BC1, RBC1, BC2, RBC2, F2 and RF2 were evaluated using generation mean analysis. In generation mean analysis, one of non-allelic interaction components, [i], [j]1, [j]2, [l]1, [l]2, [l] was significant indicating the genetic model of these characters were described by additive-dominance model with non-allelic gene interaction (except for gelatinization temperature trait in Sang-Tarrom × Gerdeh cross). The cross IRRI2×IR229 showed duplicate epistasis for gel consistency trait. Cytoplasmic effects and interactions between cytoplasmic and nuclear effects in two crosses were significant for amylose content and gel consistency traits. The estimation of narrow and broad-sense heritability for two crosses were 0.77 to 0.99 and 0.05 to 0.93, respectively. The predominantly additive nature of the genetic variability was further revealed by the variance components. Component D was detected significant in all the crosses. The covariance component and , however, showed indirectly that dominance contributed significantly to variability at the variance level. Therefore, according to the obtained results, selection can be effectively done in later segregation generations for gel consistency and amylose content and in early generation for traits.

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