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Showing 2 results for Groundwater Resources

I. Vayskarami, K. Payamani, A. Shahkarami, A. Sepahvand,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (12-2013)

The main aim of flood water spreading in Iran is to recharge groundwater. Understanding the effect and efficiency of such projects is one of the most important activities in managing and implementing water spreading. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of water spreading on groundwater resources in Kohdasht plain. Data and information required including precipitation rate, groundwater level and groundwater exploitation were collected and analyzed for a ten year period. First of all, in order to assess the three variables test of normality was performed and then all the data was normalized. The results showed that before implementing the water spreading project, fluctuations of groundwater were proportional to utilization of groundwater resources, showing a declining rate. After implementing the project, a turning point on groundwater level was observed. Also, another turning point was recognizable in hydrological year 1377-1378. In addition to overexploitation, drought affected the aquifer so dramatically that standard index in hydrological year 1371-1372 decreased from 0.3 to -1.5 in hydrological year 1377-1378.
M. Aghapour Sabbaghi,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

With regard to the crisis of water resources in the country, overdraft of groundwater resources has caused undesirable situation for most of the plains. On the one hand it is necessary for the stability of the resources are constantly using these resources, future generations need to be considered. In this regard, in this study make a cropping pattern with aims to develop a sustainable supply of groundwater resources in the Baghmalek plain has been considered. In this study, time series variables technique are used for predicting future values of variables. Also, the dynamic programming model, is used to determine the cultural pattern. Information needed for this research in two ways questionnaire and the use of statistics resource of agri-jahad and Khuzestan province`s water and power organization in 2013, has been collected. The results show that water input is considering as a limited production factor in the agricultural sector of the region. In addition, using of above pattern, will make fundamental changes in the region`s cropping pattern. The use of modern irrigation methods can increase the agricultural production capacity to double size. The main proposed of study is choosing the patterns that consider intergenerational sustainability about scares inputs such as water.

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