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Showing 1 results for Growing Season

S. Moghim, J. Rahmani,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (5-2021)

Improper water managements and overuse of surface water and groundwater mainly for agricultural purposes in Iran have led to the drying of many rivers and groundwater. Climate change adds an extra pressure on the water resources. These changes indicate the necessity of adjustment in water management plans. This study used hydroclimatic variables including precipitation and temperature in Urmia Plain to find appropriate crops that needed the minimum irrigation water. In addition, the best time for planting each crop is determined. To find the proper crops for the region, the daily water, as required for each crop, was calculated based on climate condition, crop type, and crop growth stage. The results indicates that grape could be the best crop for the region. In addition, early planting (e.g. in spring) reduced the irrigation water needed due to more rain and soil moisture in spring than summer, which could provide crop water requirement. On the other hand, the increased temperature in spring could satisfy heat units required for the fully grown plants like barley.  

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