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Showing 3 results for Gully Erosion

F. Iranmanesh, A. H. Charkhabi, N. Jalali,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

Dasht Yari plain is nearly 580,000 hectares which is under engraving gully erosion and unfortunately the gully development rate is increased in the recent decades. Satellite images may provide quick, extensive, and valuable information for the interpretation of morphometric characterstics of gully erosion expansion due to having attributes such as time series, relatively low cost, large coverage, and finally being capable of digital analysis. Therefore, this research was initiated to use these possible capabilities to find a quick and cost effective method to determine the morphometric characteristics of gullies with use of the Landsat ETM+ digital data of Dasht Yari plain in Chabahar county in southeast of Iran. The Landsat 7 data of 2001 and the field data collected from 25 selected gullies from the same area were used as control in this study. After geometric and haze corrections with use of spectral enhancement methods such as linear enhancement and color composites, the images were made ready for visual interpretation and selection field sites for the subsequent field sampling. On the selected 25 gullies, the field data collection including width, length, and height of gullies at 25%, 50%, and 75% cross sections was performed. At the end of the image processing, with use of image interpretation techniques such filtering, fusion and principal component analysis (PCA), morphometric characteristics of the gullies was computed and compared with the field data. Mean comparison and F and t-student tests were used to verify any statistical differences between two set of the data. The results showed that the data set were different at 1 and 5 percent levels. From the image processing methods, the PCA method had the smallest difference with the field collected data. Therefore, we may conclude that PCA method may be used for monitoring the gully expansion in the Dashat Yari plain and similar plains in the southeast of Iran.
M. Zare, M. Soufi, M. Nejabat, L. Jokar,
Volume 18, Issue 67 (6-2014)

Gully erosion and sedimentation have high priority in Fars Province due to the losses from destruction of lands, roads and civil structures. In the present study, in order to evaluate the threshold for the development and initiation of gully topography in Fars province, two regions were selected including Allamarvdasht, Lamerd and Fedagh, Larestan. 30 gullies were selected in each mentioned area. Morphometric parameters were measured and topography threshold was drawn. To evaluate the effect of measured parameters on topography threshold, each gully was clustered based on parameters and cluster analysis. To determine the effect of dominant hydrologycal processes on gully initiation and development, the multivariate analysis was employed using SPSS (version 14) software. Using the power relationship between watershed area and slope of each gully, the dominant hydrological processes in gully initiation and development were determined by means of Excel software and were compared with coefficients of foreign regional studies. The results showed that in the two studied regions, the most effective hydrologycal process was surface runoff. Results also demonstrated that in these regions changing the shape of upstream basin topography to circle and their expansion have increased the threshold of watershed topography of gully erosion. Increasing the sodium absorbtion ratio and removing the ground cover reduce the threshold of gully erosion topography. Increasing the depth of gullies and soil organic matters resulted in greater relative threshold of topography.
B. Farid Giglou, R. Ghazavi,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (11-2018)

In this research, a regression model was introduced to study the mechanisms of the formation of gullies in the Quri Chay watershed, northern Ardebil province (Moghan Plain); this was done through investigating the effective factors of geo-environment and soil characteristics on the gully erosion. For this purpose, 17 gullies were randomly assigned through field surveys. Mapping and recording the morphometric of the selected gullies were performed by GPS positioning after seven rainfall events. The catchment-upper area of each gully was determined and its related physical parameters were calculated in order to investigate the effect of the physical characteristics of the catchment. Soil sampling was also done at the head of each gully at two different depths (30-30 and 60-30 cm) in order to determine the physical and chemical characteristics of the soil. According to measurement of the morphometric characteristics of the gully and soil characteristics through multivariate analysis of the data, a suitable regression model was developed for the longitudinal development of erosion after determining and calculating environmental factors related to the upper catchment of the gullies. The results of the correlation matrix between the longitudinal extension of the gully and the factors investigated indicated that the factors related to the physical characteristics of the beside watershed (area, perimeter, main stream length and average width of the catchment, main stream slope), gully morphometric characteristics (mean of gully cross section, the gully expansion area, and the gully average width) and soil characteristics (geometric mean of the aggregates diameter, lime, organic matter percentage) affected  the formation and expansion of gully erosion in the Quri chay catchment. The results of regression analysis showed that the longitudinal expansion of the gully was mostly influenced by the area around each gully and the percentage of organic matter, which resulted in pressure on the rangeland and the loss of vegetation, which increased runoff and accelerated the lengthwise expansion of the gully. Also, the  increase in the area of the beside catchment the gullies is known as one of the factors influencing the length of the gully, due to the high volume of runoff entering the head cut section; so it is necessary to manage  runoff in the gully with the large beside catchment.

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