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Showing 3 results for Halophyte

S. A. M. Mirmohammady Maibody, A. Amini, J. Khajeddin,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (7-2003)

In this study, the potential use of halophyte grasses, Aleuropus littoralis and A. lagopoides, on soil desalinization and lowering soil salinity was investigated under glasshouse conditions. The seeds of two species were collected from Rodasht area in Isfahan and grown with four salinity treatments obtained from different types of collected soils and replicated three times. Electrical conductivities of the four soil treatments were 12.4, 29.5, 43, and 69 dS/m. The results of mean comparison showed that shoot and root dry weight, sodium contents of dry weight and Na/K ratio were significantly different in both salinized species. Both species effectively reduced soil electrical conductivity by 23 to 42.5%. This was mainly due to ion absorbtion, and consequently, from Na+, Cl-, Mg2+, Ca2+ ionic reduction. In general, considerable amounts of ionic absorbtion and total soluble salt secretion through their salt glands appeared to have the most pronounced effects on decreasing soil salinity. Regarding 50% salt excretion by these species, growing these grasses could be a possible way to decrease soil salinity by grazing or harvesting salt crusted foliage from the site.
A. A. Vali,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (4-2006)

Saline soils and halophytic vegetations are common features and part of the habitat pattern in deserts and steppes. The saline area is developing in arid lands. Investigation effects of halophytes on soil characteristics and adaptive mechanisms of the various halophyte types is essential for controlling saline environments. Juncus gerardi is a perennial grass-like halophyte and Halocnemum strobilaceum is a succulent halophyte shrub. The distribution of these species is mound like in the field. The soil samples of the mounds for investigating the effect of these species on plant root environment were compared with near regions in Korsiah saline area in Darab. Also the consentration some ions of live and dead organs and tissues of these species were studied for recognition of their adapive types. The results show that Juncus gerardi decrease salinity in 0-30 cm of topsoil, therefore the Ec decreased 37%. But salinity increased significantly in 30-60 cm depth. The identification of ions in plant tissues showed that the concentration of ions is low in dry matter. This is 0.33% of dry matter for Sodium. This is a way to rescue from dry conditions by selective absorption of ions. The comparison of root environment of Halocnemum strobilaceum with near regions showed a significant decrease in salinity in 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm depth decreased 27% and 40% respectively. The identification of ions concentrations in plant tissues reflect the high amounts of ions, therefore the plant tissues composed of 8.18% of Sodium. The comparision of ion concentrations in different live and dead tissues of plants a Significant increase of the amounts of ion in the dead tissues in comparison with the live tissues. Therefore this species excrete much quality of salts in their dead tissues and organs and so combat this problem.
R. Hamzenejad Taghlidabad, H. Khodaverdiloo, S. Rezapour, Sh. Manafi,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (7-2012)

Soil contamination with heavy metals, including Cd and Pb, is of serious concern. The aim of this study was to investigate the efficiency of Atriplex verucifera, Salicornia europaea and Chenopodium album for simultaneous remediation of soil exchangeable sodium percentage and Cd and Pb contamination in two soils with different properties. Two soils, including a saline-sodic-calcareous (S1) and calcareous (S2) soil, were selected. Different concentrations of Pb and Cd were then added to the soils. The contaminated soils were incubated under a wetting-drying cycle for nearly seven months. The plants, seeds were grown in pots containing different treatments of polluted soils and in control treatment (no Cd and Pb contaminations). The plant yields and concentrations of Pb, Cd and Na in the soil and plant samples were measured. A considerable accumulation of soil Cd by Salicornia and Pb accumulation by Atriplex and Salicornia was observed under unsuitable conditions of the saline-sodic soil, whereas Atriplex and Chenopodium had high capability for Cd in the soil S2. Also these plants caused the reduction of ESP in soil S1. The results revealed that these plants could be used for remediation of Pb and Cd contaminated soils. In this study, Salicornia with lower rate of yield reduction had the highest tolerance to Cd-stress. Understanding the complex plant and soil (salinity-sodicity and soil metal concentration) factors controlling the metals concentrations in the plants will help to design phytoextraction technology for arid, salt-affected regions.

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