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Showing 2 results for Hargreaves-Samani

A Rahimi Khob, M Behbahani, M Jamshidi,
Volume 13, Issue 50 (1-2010)

Daily solar radiation intercepted at the earth’s surface is an input required for water resources, environmental and agricultural studies. However, the measurement of this parameter can only be done in a few places. This has led researchers to develop a number of methods for estimating solar radiation based on frequently available meteorological records such as hours of sunshine or air temperature. In this study two empirical Angestrom and Hargreaves- Samani models, which are respectively based on air temperature and sunshine duration were calibrated and evaluated for estimating solar radiation in southeast of Tehran, Iran. Also, two neural networks models were presented using similar inputs and above-mentioned empirical models. The results showed that the both empirical and neural network models provided closer agreement with the measured values, but the models based on sunshine hours gave better estimates than the models based on air temperature. The neural network model based on sunshine hours with a R2 of 0.97 and a RMSE of 1.34 MJ m-2 d-1 provided the best results
E. Tavakoli, B. Ghahraman, K. Davari, H. Ansari,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (12-2013)

Quantitative evaluation of evapotranspiration on a regional scale is necessary for water resources management, crop production and environmental assessments in irrigated lands. In this study, in order to estimate ETo and because of few synoptic stations and also little recorded meteorological data in North Khorasan Province, Iran, with arid and semi-arid climate, 7 stations from neighboring provinces were used. Reference evapotranspiration was calculated using 6 different methods which required a small amount of input data, including Class A pan, Hargreaves-Samani, Priestly-Tailor, Turc, Makkink and the method proposed by Allen et al (1998) to estimate ETo with missing climate data. Besides, the standard FAO-Penman-Monteith was used (because there was no Lysimetric data in the region) to evaluate the applied formulas. Since there was no agreement over the appropriate method to calculate ETo in the selected stations, by using significance test of regression lines, a linear regression equation was computed for each month, in order to convert the best calculating method to FAO-Penman-Monteith formula. Evaluations of these equations showed their acceptable accuracy, in comparison with the previous researches, specifically for cold months (MAE values ranged from 0.3 to 1.4 mm/day).

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