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Showing 8 results for Khuzestan

M. J. Nazemosadat, A. R. Ghasemi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2003)

The present study evaluates the influence of the El Ninio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon on the cold season precipitation over Isfahan, Fars, Khuzestan, Chaharmahal-Bakhtyari, Bushehr and Kohgiluyeh-Boyerahmad provinces. The results indicate that the occurrence of La Nina events caused a 20% to 50% reduction in precipitation over Bushehr, Chaharmahal-Bakhtyari and southern Fars. The cold event did not change the total precipitation over the other parts of the region. In contrast to La Nina episodes, the occurrence of El Ninio events caused a 20% to 70% increase in rainfall in most of the study area. While the most highly wet conditions are related to the El Ninio events, the occurrence probability of the severe droughts has found to be low during such events. In association with La Nina events, the occurrence probability of severe drought was found to be low. Only in Khuzestan and southern parts of the Fars Provinces, this probability has increased to about 0.5.
M. M. Ghasemi, A. R. Sepaskhah,
Volume 8, Issue 1 (4-2004)

The vast pastures and agricultural development plans for dry farming and irrigated farming in Khuzestan Province depend on rain. This requires availability of annual precipitation prediction models to be used in the management decision-making process. In this research, the long-term daily precipitation data from 15 rain gauge stations in the study area were collected for study and a relationship between the early fall season precipitations of 42.5 mm (t42.5) and the annual precipitation was obtained. The results showed that the relationship was an inverse one such that the later the fall precipitation occurred, the greater the annual precipitation would be. To increase the coefficient of determination in the models, climatic variables such as Persian Gulf sea surface temperature and geographical characteristics (longitude, latitude, altitude, and long term mean annual precipitation) were used. Except for the long term mean annual precipitation and altitude, other variables did not increase the coefficient of determination. The final simple model found is as follows: Pa=184.787-1.891t42.5+0.855Pm , R2=0.704 where, Pa is the annual precipitation, t42.5 is the time from beginning of fall season for 42.5 mm of precipitation, and Pm is the long term mean annual precipitation.
M. Esfandiari, M. S. Mossadegh, R. Eslamizadeh,
Volume 10, Issue 4 (1-2007)

The cottony Cushion Scale, Icerya purchasi Mask., is a polyphagous, cosmopolitan and destructive pest that infests more than 200 plant species apart from citrus. Laboratory studies were carried out on the orange at three temperatures, 17±1, 27±1 and 40±1°C 65±5% RH and 14:10 (L:D). The duration of nymphal stages, female longevity and the life cycle at 17±1°C were 85.8±3.83, 74.9±3.53 and 173.6±7.63 days and at 27±1°C were 62.6±4.40, 72.6±4.59 and 144.1±9.26 days, respectively. The duration of pupal stage and the life cycle of male at 27±1°C were 16.1±0.78 and 59.4±1.30 days, respectively. Field studies on the pest were conducted from July 2003 to September 2004 at Sharafabad region of Dezful. At 10-days intervals, five randomly selected orange trees in a citrus orchards (3ha) were sampled by taking 75 twigs, 15cm in length, at random. Number of eggs, nymphal stages and adults were recorded. From these observations I. purchasi had three generations in a year that were recorded as spring, summer and autumn-winter generation for I. purchasi. The autumn-winter generation developed in 6 months. I. purchasi overwinters as different developmental stages on different host plants with the 2nd nymphal stage was more abundant. Apart from different citrus cultivars, altogether 41 species of 22 different families of plants were recorded as the host plants of this scale in Khuzestan province.
M. Pirzadeh, M. Afyuni, A. H. Khoshgoftarmanesh,
Volume 16, Issue 60 (7-2012)

This study was carried out to investigate zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd) concentration in paddy soil and rice grain produced in central and southwest Iran in relation to soil and plant factors, and their intake in peoples diet was also assessed. Rice crops and associated surface soils (0-30 cm) were collected from 136 fields in Isfahan, Fars and Khuzestan provinces. The result, showed the DTPA-Zn concentration in more than 50% of paddy soils was less than its critical deficiency concentration (2 mg kg-1). The grain Zn concentration in more than 54% of the rice samples was less than 20 mg kg-1. The measured Cd concentrations in paddy soils and edible part of rice exceeded the world health organization (WHO) value in more than 12% of the samples. By considering the average daily rice consumption of 110 g per capita, the Zn intake from rice consumption was estimated about 10% needed for female and male adult. Diet intake analysis did not indicate any excessive dietary intake of Cd when Cd mean of concentrations in rice grain was 0.04 mg/kg, but based on the results of risk analysis, it is more than safely level for contaminated rice.
M. Nasrifard, G.h. Sayyad, A.z. Jafarnejadi, M. Afyuni,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (12-2013)

Environmental pollution caused by heavy metals such as lead is a serious and growing problem. Due to the importance of wheat in the human nutrition, this research was conducted to study concentration of lead in the soil and also seeds of wheat farms in Khuzestan Province. Therefore, in the agricultural year of 2007-2008, the soil and wheat seed samples were collected from 100 farms whose locations were specified using weighing sampling method. The lead concentrations in soil (total and available), and wheat seeds samples were measured. The result revealed that lead concentrations in soil and seeds in none of the studied regions exceeded the respective critical levels (50 and 30-300 mg/kg, respectively). Ezeh with an average of 0.01 µg/kg had the lowest amount of lead in the wheat seeds, while Bagh‌Malek with an average of 190 µg/kg had the highest amount. The mean concentration of available lead in the soils of study region was 0.6 mg/kg. The concentration of available lead had a negative and significant correlation (r=-0.2*) with the ECe. Also, lead concentration in wheat seeds had a positive and significant correlation (r=0.3**) with the amount of calcium carbonate equivalent. More lead concentration in seeds of bread wheat cultivars showed its higher potential for accumulation of lead than durum wheat.
Z. Sorkheh, B. Khalili Moghaddam,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)

The purpose of this research was to study the effects kerosene by a factorial experiment in the nested design in three replications. The factors included region (Shush, Dezful and Bavi), plant (parsley, dill, coriander and carrot), and management practice (control, contaminated field with kerosene 1, contaminated field with kerosene 2). Heavy metals concentration (Pb, Zn, Cu and Cd) was measured in soil (DTPA extraction method) and plants samples. The results indicated that the average values of the heavy metals concentration in both soil and plants samples subjected to kerosene contaminated treatments were greater than those of the control treatment in all of the regions. The Bavi region had the highest Cd (14.29 in soil; 11.9 in Dill) and Pb (40.46 in soil; 35.53 in Coriander) and the lowest Zn (34.75 in soil ; 28.44 in Carrot) and Cu(22.30 in soil; 16.96 in Carrot) concentration values in  both soil and plants subjected to kerosene contaminated treatments. Also, the lowest concentration values of Cd (9.33 in soil; 8.01 in Carrot) and Pb (30.36 in soil; 23.54 in Carrot) and the highest values of Zn (109.08 in soil; 86.33 in Dill) and Cu (47.71 in soil; 38.57 in Dill) were recorded in Shush and Dezful regions, respectively. Based on these findings, kerosene usage could lead to a significant increase in the heavy metals (Cd, Cu and Pb) uptake, exceeding the critical level for the vegetables. This might increase the transformation risk of the mentioned heavy metals in the food chain

A. R. Zahirnia, H. R. Matinfar,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2019)

Determination of land suitability is one of the land evaluation methods that can determine the best use of land in each area. The purpose of this research was to determine the land suitability of Mirza Kuchak Khan's cultivation and industry fields based on the soil quality indicators and a geographic information system (GIS), and compare the results with those obtained by methods of land evaluation and root strategies. For this purpose, information on soil profiles and the amount of organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium, zinc, drainage, texture, depth, topography, surface rocks and gravel, impervious layer depth, hydraulic conductivity, water holding capacity, electrical conductivity, reaction PH), calcium carbonate, and exchangeable sodium percent of the study area were collected. Land suitability classes based on the quality indices of fertility, chemical quality, and physical quality of soil were defined. The results showed that 27.4% of the land belonged to the very good class (S1), 62.83% of the land could be assigned to the suitable class (S2), 11.7% of the land was put in the low proportion class (S3), and 2.66% the land was in the inappropriate class (N). Also, based on the comparison of the results of the method based on the soil quality with the square root method, Kappa coefficient was 0.82, while it was equal to 0.38 for the Storie method.

F. Golabkesh, A. Nazarpour, N. Ghanavati, T. Babaeinejad,
Volume 26, Issue 2 (9-2022)

The current study aims to find the best methods of using remote sensing and supervised classification algorithms in long-term salinity monitoring of salinity changes in the Atabieh area with an area of 5000 hectares in the west of Khuzestan province. The procedure is based on the separation of different levels of saline soils utilizing information obtained from Landsat 7 and 8 satellite images (2001 to 2015) along with salinity data taken from the study area, and salinity indices including SI1, SI2, SI3, NDSI, IPVI, and VSSI. The results show the expansion of the saline zone trend in the soils of the study area, among which, soils with EC of more than 16 dS m-1 (very saline) have the highest frequency. The area of saline soils has increased significantly over the past 15 years, with a saline land area increasing by more than 90%. The percentage of salinity class is low (S1). According to this study, the only significant index in soil salinity at a 95% confidence level is the SI3 index, which has been able to have a good estimate of the increasing changes in soils in the region. The results of the supervised classification showed that the support vector machine (with an overall accuracy of 95.78 and a kappa coefficient of 0.89) is more accurate. After the vector machine method, the methods of minimum distance, maximum likelihood, and distance of Mahalanobis have the highest accuracy, respectively. Based on salinity maps obtained in years in 2001, 2005, 2010, and 2015, it can be said that the salinity rate in the whole of the study area was progressing and at the same time the salinity area in the middle and high classes increased decreased and on the other hand, the salinity area in the high class in 2001 gradually increased and distributed in 2015 throughout the region.

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