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Showing 1 results for Landscape Position

S. Mehri Babadi, M. Afyuni, Sh. Ayoubi,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (5-2020)

For sustainable soil management, the effects of slope position and land use change on soil and water resources are essential. In this research, three land uses including degraded pasture, drought and apple gardens were selected to determine the effect of slope position and land use on some physical and chemical properties of soil in the Koohrang area of Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province. Each of the applications was divided according to the position of the slope, and from three applications and organic matter (OM), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks), water repellency (RI), dispersible clay (DC) and weighted average aggregate diameter (MWD)  were studied as the  physical and chemical properties of soil. The results showed that Ks had the greatest coefficient of variation. Also, the results of the mean comparison revealed that all of the measured physical and chemical properties had a significant difference in different slope applications and positions at 5% level. In general, the garden and the base position of the slope had better qualitative conditions than other land uses and slope positions. Rangeland degradation and change in the use of pasture from dryland cultivation led to a decrease in soil quality, which could reduce soil utilization and exhaust some of the land from the production cycle. The results of the correlation between chemical and physical properties of soil showed that in general soil organic matter had the highest correlation with other parameters.

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