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Showing 3 results for Msm Model

A. Majnooni-Heris, Sh. Zand-Parsa, A. R. Sepaskhah, A. A. Kamgar-Haghighi,
Volume 10, Issue 3 (10-2006)

Agricultural investigations use computer models for simulation of crop growth and field water management. By using these models, the effects of plant growth parameters on crop yields are simulated, hence, the experimental costs are reduced. In this paper, the model of MSM (Maize Simulation Model) was calibrated and validated for the prediction of maize forage production at Agricultural College, Shiraz University in 1382 and 1383 by using maize forage yield under furrow irrigation with four irrigation and three nitrogen treatments. Irrigation treatments were I4, I3, I2, and I1, with the depth of water 20% greater than, equal to, 20% and 40% less than potential crop water requirements, respectively. Nitrogen treatments were N3, N2, and N1, with the application of N as urea equal to 300, 150, and 0 kg N ha-1, respectively. After calibration and validation of MSM, it was used to estimate suitable planting dates, forage yield and net requirement of water discharge for planting at different dates. The results indicated that the net requirement of water discharge was reduced by gradual planting at different planting dates. By considering different planting dates for maize, from Ordibehest 20th to Tir 10th, the planting area might be increased 17.9%, compared with single planting date on Ordibehesht 30th under a given farm water discharge and full irrigation.
A. Majnooni-Heris, Sh. Zand - Parsa, A. R. Sepaskhah, A. A. Kamgar-Haghighi,
Volume 11, Issue 41 (10-2007)

Optimal crop water requirement is needed for precise irrigation scheduling. Prediction of crop water requirements is a basic factor to achieve this goal. In this study, maize potential evapotranspiration (ETp) was prediced by maize simulation model (MSM). Then, it was evaluated and validated using experimental field data obtained in Agricultural Research Station of Shiraz University (Bajghah, Fars province) during 2003 and 2004. Comparison of measured volumetric soil water content with predicted values by MSM model in 2003 and 2004 indicated that this subroutine (prediction of maize evapotranspiration) did not need modification. Also, daily potential evapotranspiration of maize was estimated by using Penman-Monteith equation considering single and dual crop coefficients. Comparison between the results of predicted ETp by MSM model, calculated ETp by Penman-Monteith, and measured irrigation water and soil water content indicated that the prediction of ETp by MSM model was satisfactory. Model prediction of seasonal ETp, potential transpiration (Tp) and soil evaporation (E) were 831, 536 and 329 mm, respectively, in 2003, and 832, 518 and 314 mm, respectively, in 2004. The values of ETp, Tp and E calculated by Penman-Monteith method using dual crop coefficients were 693, 489 and 205 mm, respectively, in 2003, and 700, 487 and 213, respectively in 2004. Maximum rate of predicted potential ETp, Tp and E were 11.1, 8.2 and 5.1 mm d-1, respectively in 2003 and 13.0, 9.0 and 4.0 mm d-1, respectively in 2004. The values of calculated seasonal ETp by Penman-Monteith method using single crop coefficient were 615 and 632 mm in 2003, and 2004, respectively. Comparison between the results of predicted ETp by MSM model, calculated ETp by Penman-Monteith equation with single and dual crop coefficients (FAO-56) and measured values of irrigation water and soil water contents of root depth indicated that FAO-56 methods underestimated the ETp.
A Nehzati Pghaleh, Sh Zandparsa, A.r Sepaskhah,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)

Water and fertilizer applications management should be improved due to scarce resources and environmental protection aspects. An analysis of crop yield production and profit maximization was conducted to determine the optimal water and nitrogen allocation. In this study, maize grain yields were predicted for 25 different amounts of irrigation water (350-1700 mm) and 46 different rates of nitrogen application (0-450 kg N/ha) were predicted using MSM (Maize Simulation Model) model. Irrigation water was distributed in growth period based on maize evapotranspiration. 30% and 70% nitrogen fertilization was used 19 and 50 days after planting date, respectively. Based on field operational costs and present market value in Fars province, optimal amounts of applied water and nitrogen were determined in different conditions of maximum yield (Wm and Nm, respectively), maximum profit under limited land (WL and NL, respectively) and maximum profit under limited water (Ww and Nw, respectively). At present market value ( 88 Rls m-3 for water, 1946 Rls kg-1 for nitrogen and 1570 Rls kg-1 for maize grain), the amounts of Wm, WL and Ww were 1336, 1008, 844 mm, respectively, and the amounts of Nm, NL and Nw were 450 kg N ha-1. Because of the low price of nitrogen, the optimum amounts of nitrogen in the analyzed conditions were similar. If the price of nitrogen and water are increased (i.e. 30000 Rls kg-1 N and 1000 Rls m-3 water), the optimum amounts of applied nitrogen and water in the analyzed conditions are changed to 450, 120 and 210 kg N ha-1, and 1336, 899 and 874 mm, respectively.

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