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Showing 2 results for Maple

A. Kheiri, A. Borhani, S. M. Okhovvat, H. Eshtiaghi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (10-2003)

In an etiological study on stunted, nursery grown maple seedlings, a species of root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus vulnus) and two species of fusarium (Fusarium oxysporum and F. solani) were isolated from the infected roots. Interactions between the nematode and the two fungi in a complete randomized design with six treatments and four replications were carried out under greenhouse conditions. Nematodes were surface sterilized and reared on sterilized carrot discs. Then the maple seedlings at two-leaf stage were inoculated with a population density of 40 nematodes/100 gr soil in pots. The results indicated singnificant differences between the treatments. Seven months after inoculation, the treatments with nematode alone showed a high mortality rate of about 75% along with a severe increase in population up to about 11.2 and 1266 nematodes/gr of soil and roots, respectively. In treatments with nematode and each of the two-fungus species, the deleterious effects of fungi on nematodes were observed through decrease of nematode population. It was also shown that F. oxysporum was more effective than F. solani in nematode control.
H. Yosef-Zadeh, M. Tabari, K. Spahbodi, Gh. Jalali,
Volume 12, Issue 44 (7-2008)

In order to predict Caucasian maple (Acer velutinum Boiss. ) seedling growth based on nursery Orimel, Eighty six one year old seedlings located at 1550 meters above sea level in Sari, north of Iran were randomly selected. Collar diameter, height, leaf area, photosynthesis area and leaf area/leaf weight ratio were determined. Then multivariate regression models between leaf characteristics and growth characteristic were drawn. The results indicated that number of leaves and photosynthesis area can estimate the height growth of a seedling. Also, mentioned characteristics of leaf can estimate the biomass of stem as a well as growth characteristics. According to the correlation between growth characteristics and leaf characteristics, it would be concluded that the photosynthesis area of leaf can be suitable for early selection of seedling for reforestation. Also, this result shows the importance of increasing the establishment and growth of maple seedlings in plantation areas.

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