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Showing 4 results for Marketing

J. Torkamani,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2000)

The main objective of the present study was to investigate the production and marketing of Iranian saffron. About 99% of Iranian saffron is produced in Khorasan Province. Therefore, Khorasan was selected for the current study. Data were collected through the stratified random sampling method from 232 saffron producers in Torbat Heidarieh, Ghaenat and Gonabad regions through interviews in fall 1999. The production functions of saffron were estimated by using transcendental forms for the three study regions. Technical efficiencies for saffron producers were estimated using transcendental stochastic frontier production functions. Finally, wholesale, retail and marketing margins as well as marketing efficiency were estimated.

The results of the current study revealed that farmers were not using some of the inputs optimally. Study of the technical efficiency of saffron growers indicated that there was a considerable possibility of increasing production by increasing farmers’ efficiencies. The average of wholesale, retail and marketing margins of one kilogram of saffron were estimated to be 483, 410 and 893 thousand Rials, respectively, in the three study regions. Also, marketing efficiency was calculated at 155%. Finally, a marketing channel as a part of marketing strategy was proposed for Iranian saffron.

A. Solaimani Pour, A. R. Nikooie, A. Bagheri,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (4-2005)

This study was conducted to determine the problems of marketing channels of damask roses and to seek appropriate solutions to enhance marketing efficiency. The results of the study revealed that traditional and industrial rose production lacked the quality demanded by the market. The efficiency index was % 92.9 in traditional and %55 in industrial production. In addition, with regard to the marketing parameters for each type of production, the share of the factors was calculated. So we can conclude that the reducing units have the most important roles in this process. According to the study, traditional units with %47.2 had a greater share compared with the industrial units (%44.5). The results have also shown that production retailer wholesalers and middlemen shares were in the lower ranks respectively. Marketing cost coefficient results showed that %70 of the retailer selling price for 1 kg of the product was related to the marketing costs. The costs for industrial units with high and low capacity were %67.7 and %65.4, respectively.
M. Mousavi, M. Chizari,
Volume 11, Issue 1 (4-2007)

Potatoes are the third most important food crop in Iran. But fluctuations in the production of potato have made imbalances in supply and demand. Lack of appropriate planning for cultivation and marketing operation and farmers’ little knowledge of marketing provides a ground for uncertainty about marketing. To compete successfully in markets, knowledge on marketing is necessary. Succeeding in markets is possible by conducting the marketing educational programs. The broad objective of most marketing educational programs is to help producers modify production and marketing. The first stage in planning of marketing programs is to determine the educational needs. Therefore, needs assessment before planning and conducting to programs is necessary. In this study the educational needs of potato farmers regarding marketing have been considered. The descriptive- correlational research methodology was used in this study. The target population included potato farmers from Ajabshir Township, East Azerbaijan Province. A random sample of 110 potato farmers was selected by multistage cluster random sampling method for completing the questionnaires. Research results indicated that respondents’ technical knowledge in marketing is low especially in pricing and marketing. The most important educational needs of respondents were marketing and pre-harvest activities. The independent variables such as age, literacy rate, yield rate, experience of potato farming and size of potato farms did not have any significant relationship with educational needs. Based on respondents’ opinions, the best educational method was meeting agents on farm and conducting the educational courses.
M Bakhshoodeh, E Vaseghi,
Volume 13, Issue 48 (7-2009)

In this study, marketing situation, problems and services of Dutch Roses was investigated in Isfahan province as a main rose producing region in Iran. In this context, marketing margin, share of marketing agents in marketing margin, marketing cost coefficients and marketing efficiency were calculated and marketing path and marketing services of roses flower including harvesting, transportation, packing, sorting and standardization in major path were investigated. The data used in this study were gathered through completing questionnaires from 38 producers, wholesalers (cut flowers distributors) and retailers (flower sellers) and by interviewing four consulting companies in Dutch Roses production and marketing. The results indicated that 56.5 percent of producers are only engaged with production activities and not exporting flowers to either foreign countries or the other provinces in the country. In the main path, average coefficient of technical efficiency (78.17%) was found to be higher than that of price efficiency (34.67%) and based on the marketing efficiency, 108 Rial value added can be achieved from each 100 Rial marketing services cost..

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