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Showing 2 results for Phenotypic Correlations

S. Yarahmadi, S.r. Mirai Ashtiani, R. Ebadi, G.h. Tahmasebi,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2001)

In this study 130 honeybee colonies in 4 locations (Damavand, Tehran, Qum and Karaj-Savojbolagh) were sampled to determine the phenotypic correlations among 9 morphological and 3 production traits. The morphological traits were length (FL) and width (FB) of fore wing, cubital index (CI), length of hind leg (HL), length of probosics (LP), slender index (SI), length (WL) and width (WT) of wax mirror, distance between wax mirror (WD), index of wax mirror (IW) and corbicular area (CA). The production traits were honey yield (WH), pollen gathering (WP) and wax: production (WW). Data were subjected to analysis of variance, phenotypic correlations, stepwise regression and path coefficient analysis. Results of phenotypic correlations demonstrated that correlations between FL with FB (0.65), WL (0.361), WT (0.261), HL (0.555) and LP (0.257), WH with WP (0.300), WW with WH (0.560) and CA with WH (0.234) were significant (P≤0.01). FB with WH (r=0.204) was also significant but there was no significant correlation between CA and WP. Results of stepwise regression and path coefficient analysis showed that whereas morphological traits were settled as independent variables, much of the corresponding changes in production traits remain uninterpreted. In spite of the significant correlations among several morphological and production traits, body measurements alone are not suitable criteria to select colonies for high productions of honey, pollen and wax.
A. Dehdari, M. Mobli, A. Rezai,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2002)

In order to determine the relationships among the different traits of onion and to study the direct and indirect effects of these traits on bulb and seed yield, an experiment was conducted in 1998 at the research farm of Isfahan University of Technology. Results showed that phenotypic and genotypic correlations were similar and bulb weight showed the highest and lowest coefficients of correlation with bulb diameter and number of days to emergence, respectively. Results of stepwise regression analysis showed that leaf width at 25% of its length from the neck, leaf length, and leaf dry weight were the best estimators for leaf area bulb diameter, bulb length, plant height and number of days to maturity were the most important determining characters for bulb yield variation. Number of fertilized florets was the best determinator of seed yield and bulb weight, while diameter and volume were the best describing characters for the number of meristems on the basal plate. Path-coefficient analysis revealed that bulb diameter showed the highest direct positive effect on bulb yield and the indirect effect of plant height through bulb diameter on it was of prime importance. Number of fertilized florets per plant and number of inflorescence per plant through the number of fertilized florets showed the highest direct and indirect effects on seed weight, respectively.

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