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Showing 3 results for Potassium Fixation

A. Hosseinpur, M. Kalbasi,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2001)

Potassium fixation and release by phillosilicate clay minerals in soils are very important processes influencing the availability of K to plants. This investigation was conducted to determine the potassium fixation capacity and charge characteristics of soil clays of 15 surface soils (0-30 cm) from central and northern Iran. After clay particle separation, both total and tetrahedral cation exchange capacity of soil clays were determined. Tetrahedral CEC was measured after saturation with Li and heating at 300 C to reduce octahedral charge to near zero. Potassium fixation was obtained in both wet (1:10 soil:solution, 16 h on a shaker) and dry conditions (after drying for 24 h at 70°C) using three different levels of added K

The total CEC in soil clays of Isfahan, Char-Mahal and Gilan provinces ranged from 22.1-36.0, 33.0-55.8 and 31.3-47.9 cmol kg-1, respectively. Tetrahedral CEC in soil clays of Isfahan, Char-Mahal and Gilan provinces ranged from 17.9-4504, 26.2-32.5 and 8.3-23.8 cmol kg-1, respectively, which consisted of 81.0-98.4, 58.5-95.8 and 24.7-72.5% of their total charge, respectively. The amount of K fixation increased with drying and the level of k added. Mean potassium fixation in soil clays of Isfahan, Char-Mahal and Gilan ranged from 5.42-9.13, 6.63-14.67 and 8.87-10.36, respectively. Mean potassium fixation by soil clays (except for soil clays of Gilan) best correlated with total CEC. In the soil clays of Isfahan, mean potassium fixation correlated with tetrahedral CEC, whereas no correlation was observed in soil clays from other places. The average amount of potassium fixation in clay fractions was in the order: Gilan clays > Char-Mahal clays > Isfahan clays.

A.r Hosseinpur, M.r Panahi,
Volume 14, Issue 52 (7-2010)

Potassium (K) fixation by phyllosilicates clay minerals is a very important process influencing the availability of K for plants. Information about K fixation is limited in Hamadan soils. The objectives of this research were to determine potassium fixation capacity (PFC) and potassium fixation index (PFI) of 10 surface soils of Hamadan province and the correlation of these parameters with soil charge characteristics. Potassium fixation capacity was obtained using six different levels of added K as KCl and three wetting and drying cycles. Also charge characteristics of soils were determined. Tetrahedral CEC of soils was determined after saturation of samples with LiCl and heating at 300 oC to reduce octahedral charge near zero. The results showed that tetrahedral and octahedral CEC ranged from 4.6 to 16.0 and 0.8 to 4.9 cmolckg-1 respectively. Mineral and organic portion CEC ranged from 6.1 to 20.9 and 0.97 to 9.7 cmolckg-1 respectively. The amount of PFC increased with increasing added K. Mean amount of PFC ranged from 58.2 to 175.03 mgkg-1. Potassium fixation index ranged from 0.23 to 0.67. The results of correlation studies indicated that PFI were significantly correlated with octahedral CEC, mineral and organic portion CEC, total CEC, exchangeable and nonexchangeable K. The results of this research showed that PFI very different in soils. So that this parameter should be consider in K soil testing.
S. Shakeri,
Volume 22, Issue 1 (6-2018)

Potassium fixation is one of the most important factors influencing the availability of this ion for plants. This research was carried out to evaluate the relationship between potassium (K) fixation with some physical and chemical characteristics of soils and clay minerals and to investigate the effect of the dry and wet cycle on potassium fixation in Kakan Plain, in Kohgilouye & Boyerahmad Province. To measure the amount of Potassium fixation, four levels of K were added to the samples and the samples were shaken for 24 h and then dried in the oven at 50°C for 24 h. The drying and wetting cycle was repeated three times. Another set of soil samples was similarly incubated for a period similar to the previous treatment, but drying was performed at room temperature in an equilibrium state. The results showed that potassium fixation was increased with the potassium concentration increment, whereas K fixation percentage was reduced. Also, potassium fixation showed a positive significant relationship with cation exchange capacity (CEC) as well as clay content, in both normal and dry and wet treatments, and a negative significant relationship with organic carbon. Moreover, potassium fixation was enhanced with the increase of smectite content in both normal and dry and wet treatments. Besides, due to more organic carbon and less smectite, surface horizons fixed K less than the subsurface horizons.

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