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Showing 2 results for Poultry Cooperative

A. M. Amini, R. Safari Shali,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2002)

This manuscript shows the findings of a research that investigated the effects of trainings on the members and the employees of the poultry cooperatives in Tehran Province on the performance of these cooperatives. To analyze the data, 2, correlation coefficient, one way-analysis of variance, and Duncan Test were used. The results of the study showed a positive and statistically significant relationship between training of members and performance of cooperatives. The more the trainings were related to type of occupation or responsibility, the larger were the effects on the cooperative performance. Cooperatives with more specialized top managers, offered more training to their members. Compared to cooperatives with more training, the members had less participation in increasing their investment.
A.m. Amini, A. Zeynal Hamadani, M. Ramazani,
Volume 12, Issue 43 (4-2008)

The general goal of this research was to study the most effective Intra-Organizational factors in the success of the poultry-farm cooperatives in Tehran province. To this end, viewpoints of 151 managers and members of agricultural cooperatives were collected and studied. Survey study was performed to evaluate the effects of four major parameters including member awareness of the principles and philosophy, training programs of members, participation in cooperatives' affairs, and expertise and ability of managers on the success index of poultry cooperatives. The results showed that the degree of members' share of training and knowledge of cooperatives' principles was very low also participation in cooperative's affairs and the managers' expertise and skills were medium. Using multivariate regression analysis, the above-mentioned four factors showed significant effects on the success of the poultry cooperatives with coefficients of 1.87, 0.46, 0.57 and 1.04, respectively.

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