M. Shamaeizadeh, S. Soltani,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (3-2015)
Hydrologic drought which usually affects wide regions can be studied through Low flow index. In this study, to predict hydrologic drought in North Karoon watershed, 14 stations with suitable and long enough duration data were recorded in the 1387-88 water year. Then 13 physiographic and climatic characteristics of the chosen stations were used to perform homogeneity test for cluster analysis. 7 day low flow series were calculated in each station and according to chi-square and Kolomogragh smirnov tests and parameter, 2 parameter gamma distribution was selected as the best regional distribution for this region. Therefore, a seven day low flow index was estimated using FREQ for 5,10,20,50,100 return periods. Regional analysis was performed using a multiple regression method. Moreover, flow duration curves were delineated to obtain Q95 index. Then, zoning maps for Q95، Q7,2 ،Q7,10, Q7,100 were prepared. The results of regional analysis indicated that the averages of height and slope were the two most effective parameters in low flow in this watershed. The investigation of zoning maps showed that southeastern part of this watershed experiences severe droughts compared with other parts.
H. Ahmadzadeh, A. Fakheri Fard, M.a Ghorbani, M. Tajrishy,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (12-2021)
In drought risk management, the regional analysis of drought is significant. In this paper, this important issue is investigated by presenting the new hydrological regional drought index (RDI). For this purpose, the Ajichai basin was selected as the study area. First, the time series of the streamflow drought index (SDI) was calculated for each of the hydrometric stations in the basin f regional analysis of hydrological drought. Then, to determine the homogeneous regions in terms of hydrological drought, the k-means method was used for clustering analysis. Based on the clustering results, 6 Homogeneous regions were identified in the basin. For each of these regions, the time series of the RDI index was calculated from 1365 to 1393. The results showed that during the study period in each of the regions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, mild Wet and mild drought has occurred at 82.1, 80.1, 78.9, 83.3, and 84.3 percent of regions, respectively. Also, the total percentage of drought events (moderate and high) is higher than the total percentage of wet events (moderate and high) in all regions. So, during the study period, the total percentage of drought events (moderate and high) is more than twice the total percentage of wet events (moderate and high) in regions 2 and 3.