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Showing 2 results for Return Periods

O. Ahmadi, P. Alamdari, M. Servati, T. Khoshzaman, A. Shahbaee Kootenaee,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (6-2019)

Changes in Climate parameters have been accelerated in the coming age, which can affect agricultural activities directly and indirectly. Temperature and precipitation are the most complex climatic factors. Spectral analysis is a scientific and efficient technique used to recognize and detect the hidden behaviors of these variables. In this research, in order to study and analyze the temperature and precipitation return periods using spectral analysis, the statistics of climate parameters (precipitation, mean, maximum and minimum temperature) for a period of 27 years (1989-2015) were used for the sustainable land management. For this purpose, the climatic data of temperature and precipitation entered the MATLAB software environment and Periodogram of each of the climatic parameters was drawn in a separate way. The results of each Periodogram study showed that the absolute minimum of temperature had significant cycles with the return periods of 3.8 and 2.4 years; the absolute maximum of temperature had a significant cycle with a return period of 2.1 years and the mean temperature was significant with a return period of 2.7 years. Also, the review of the Periodogram related to precipitation showed a significant cycle with a return period of 3.4 years. The Results from studying cycles indicated the existence of short-term return periods for climate variables in the region. Given this issue and the need to protect agricultural products, especially garden products, it should be done by applying water and soil resources management methods, including creating terraces and increasing soil roughness; Also, cultivation of appropriate plant species for the suitable regional climatic conditions, Drought resistant and low water requirement, the most optimal conditions could be created for the cultivation of horticultural and agricultural products.

M.a. Abdullahi, J. Abedi Koupai, M.m Matinzadeh,
Volume 28, Issue 3 (10-2024)

Today, the problems related to floods and inundation have increased, particularly in urban areas due to climate change, global warming, and the change in precipitation from snow to rain. Therefore, there has also been an increasing focus on rainfall-runoff simulation models to manage, reduce, and solve these problems. This research utilized SewerGEMS software to explore different scenarios to evaluate the model's performance based on the number of sub-basins (2 and 8) and return periods (2 and 5 years). Additionally, four methods of calculating concentration time (SCSlag, Kirpich, Bransby Williams, and Carter) were compared to simulate flood hydrographs in Shahrekord city. The results indicated that increasing the return period from 2 to 5 years leads to an increase in peak discharge in all scenarios. Furthermore, based on the calculated continuity error, the Kirpich method is preferred to estimate the concentration-time in scenarios with more sub-basins and smaller areas. For the 2-year return period, a continuity error of 4% was calculated for the scenario with 2 sub-basins, while for the 5-year return period, the continuity error was 19%. On the other hand, the SCSlag method is preferred to estimate the concentration-time in scenarios with fewer sub-basins and larger areas. For the scenario with 8 sub-basins, a continuity error of 16% was calculated for the 2-year return period, and 11% for the 5-year return period.

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