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Showing 2 results for River Bend

M. Zare , T. Honar1,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (1-2016)

The most important cause of concern about the stability of bridge foundation is the occurrence of scour around bridge piers. Therefore, different methods have been proposed to prevent or reduce scouring around bridge piers. The use of groynes is one of the modern methods to control and reduce local scour. In the present study, the effect of a solid groyne on reduction of the scour depth around a cylindrical bridge pier, located in the bend of a laboratory flume is assessed. Experiments were conducted for groyne model angled at 50˚, 90˚ and 120˚ to the downstream channel sidewall with three flow rates of 47, 49 and 51 liters per second in a sediment free condition. Results showed that in at ratios of velocity to critical velocity and all groyne angles, in comparison with no groyne, the scour depth was reduced. At all ratios of velocity to critical velocity, the best operation was related to normal groyne and the average operation of repelling groyne was better than attracting groyne. The operation of normal groyne decreased and attracting groyne function improved as the flow rate increased. Also, the normal groyne (ratio of velocity to critical velocity equal to 0.87) had the best effect on reducing the scour depth (by about 71.4 percent).

J. Zahiri, M. Ashnavar,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Hydrodynamic models proposed for simulating flow hydraulic in rivers assume the flow in one direction and simulate the hydraulic parameters based on the one-dimensional Saint-Venant equations. In this research, a two-dimensional HEC-RAS model was used to simulate the flow in the Karun River, between Mollasani and Farsiat stations. Geographic information system (GIS) and river cross sections were used to prepare the altitude map using the satellite image of the study area. Modeling results in river bends showed that the maximum velocity occurred in the outer bend, which coincided with the flow mechanism in the bends. Based on the results, grid type and density have little effect on flow depth modeling. However, the characteristics of the mesh used had a great influence on the velocity distribution, so that the regular high-density mesh had the best accuracy in simulating the flow velocity. Statistical analysis showed that the RMSE for the flow discharge and flow depth were 17.95 m3/s and 0.05 m, respectively. In addition, the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency index was calculated to be above 0.9 for the discharge and flow depth, which could be considered as a desirable value.

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