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Showing 1 results for Shallow Acceptor.

R. Sajadi Far, J. Ahadiyan,
Volume 20, Issue 75 (5-2016)

In this research dense fluid discharge was experimentally investigated under the surface jet in the shallow acceptor. The investigated parameters were depth of the acceptor ambient, flow rate and the concentration of surface jet. In order to investigate the relationship between these parameters, a physical model experiments were performed in the hydraulic laboratory of Shahid Chamran University. The results showed that progressive length of the surface jet core is directly proportional to Froude number of fluid density, and is inversly proportional to fluid density concentration. Besides, the progressive length of the jet core increases with increasing the depth of the acceptor ambient. This length increase is due to the decrease of water surface tension. In average, increasing the depth of acceptor ambient twice, the progressive length will increase 38%, and its increasing three times, will increase progressive length of jet core 62%. Besides, in the relationship obtained for the progressive length of jet core R 2 is 0.94.

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