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Showing 2 results for Shear Velocity

A. Motamedi, M. Galoie,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (9-2018)

In order to investigate the flow formation on dunes, the experimental data from a flume 12 meters long, located in Hydraulic Lab at Technical University of Graz (Austria), were collected. In this study, dunes (particle sizes of 13 and 6 mm) in a 2-D plan were developed with the wavelength of 1 meter, the lee angle of 8 degree, and the crest heights of 4 and 6 cm; these were uniformly installed across the width of flume. The analysis of the experimental flow velocity profiles measured by ADV and PIV technology and the numerical profiles modeled by SSIMM showed that in the same hydraulic conditions, there was no significant relation between drag coefficients of particles on dunes and flow discharge variation, while the water depth reduction caused a sudden increase in the drag coefficient up to 66%. Also, reducing particle size of the dune increased the drag coefficient and there was a significant relation between particle size (diameter) and dune formation, so that in smooth crested conditions, as compared with the sharp crested dune, the drag coefficient was increased up to 32%.

E. Yabbarepour, M. Shafai Bajestan, S. M. Kashefipour,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Channels and surface water are ways for the transfer of pollutants to the environment and human. When any pollutant is spilled into the channel, the pollutant concentrations are decreased after the travel. Reducing the distance is an engineering expedient. To reduce the distance, mixing in water should be increased. Thus, the main goal of the present study was to investigate the effect of the triangular vane on transverse mixing used for control bank erosion. Experiments were carried out in an 80cm width flume. The vane, which was triangular, was made of Plexi-glass with a 30% width of the flume length, 15cm height and 50cm far from the tracer injection. Salt solution was used as the soluble tracer. The experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of the triangular vane for two conditions: with and without vane. The transverse mixing (ez) and complete mixing length were estimated for the two conditions of with and without vane. The results showed with installing the triangular vane, the transverse mixing was increased up to 2.5 and the length of mixing was decreased by 60%, as compared with the tests of no vane.

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