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Showing 2 results for Species Composition

Mohammad Reza Vahhabi, Mehdi Bassiri, Jamaleddin Khajeddin,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-1997)

Short-term changes (5 years) in canopy cover, species composition and forage production were studied under protection from grazing and grazed condition in 19 range sites in Fereydan region, Isfahan province. In this study, density, canopy cover and forage production data were obtained from quadrates inside and outside exclosures in the spring of 1983. These parameters were studied again in 1988 and compared with the previous data. Results indicated that species diversity in these range sites was relatively high up to 212 plant species were identified. Sixteen, 8.5 and 75.5 percent of these species were classified into I, II and III palatability classes respectively. After five years, comparison of inside and outside exclosures indicated an increase in the density of species of I, II and III palatability classes by 138.8, 120.8 and 51.5 percent inside exclosures, respectively. Density of all species had increased by 62 percent as a result of 5-year protection from grazing. Species composition data as canopy cover were used to construct 3 dendrograms to investigate the similarity among range Sites. Assuming 32% similarity as the threshold level, 19 range sites were classified into 10 vegetation types in 1983. After 5 years, these vegetation types decreased to 8 and increased to 11 under protection from grazing and grazed conditions, respectively. The average forage production inside exclosures was almost twice as much as in grazed sites (600 Vs. 315 kg/h). Three groups of range sites were recognized according to the time requirement for rehabilitation by grazing protection. The first group was improved considerably by the end of the 5-year protection Period. The second group improved relatively within five years of grazing exclusion. The third group did not improve by 5-year grazing protection and needed much longer protection period or some other range rehabilitation practices.
M. Alichi, P. Shishehbor, M.s. Mossadegh, E. Soleiman Nejadian,
Volume 12, Issue 45 (10-2008)

In a study of aphids and their parasitoids in wheat fields of Shiraz region, the species composition, distribution and seasonal dynamics of the dominant species were monitored during 2004-5.Collections were made from 1-3 hectare fields in 10 locations within 50 Km radius around Shiraz city. Species density was estimated by counting individuals present on 40 winter wheat tillers taken at random along 2 transects 5 m apart in the fields. Eight aphid and 3 parasitoid species were identified through this survey. Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) and Metopolophium dirhodum (Wlk.) with relative abundances of 33.94 and 31.33%, Aphidius rhopalosipi De Stefani-Perez and Praon volucre (Hal.) with relative abundances of 55.53 and 39.90%, were the dominant species of aphids and parasitoids, respectively. Seasonal dynamics of the above species were also studied in Badjgah, located 15 Km north of Shiraz city. Peak populations of the dominant aphids occurred between late May and first of June 2004-5, and those of parasitoids were seen 1-3 weeks later. A comparison between seasonal parasitism of the dominant parasitoids showed significant preferences of A. rhopalosiphi on R. padi, and P. volucre on M. dirhodum. Since the total parasitism of both wasps was nearly 30% of the two aphid hosts, attention should be paid to chemical control programs of wheat pests (such as Sunn pest) so that it does not disturb the efficiency of the aphid parasitoids.

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