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Showing 3 results for Surface Erosion

A. R. Vaezi, Z. Bayat, M. Foroumadi,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (9-2018)

Soil erosion by surface runoff introduced as surface erosion is one of the main mechanisms of land degradation in the hill slopes. Slope characteristics including aspect and gradient can control the differences of soil properties along the hillslope. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of slope aspect and gradient on variations of some soil properties in the short slopes. Five hills including both north and south aspects with different gradients (9-10%,
13-16%, 17-22%, 29-31% and 33-37%) were considered in a semi-arid region with 30 ha in area, in the west of Zanjan, northwest of Iran. The hills were weakly covered with pasture vegetation covers. Soil samples were collected along the slopes from two depths (0-5 cm and 5-15 cm) in four positions with 2 m distance along each slope with two replications. A total of 160 soil samples were analyzed for particle size distribution (sand, silt and clay), gravel and bulk density. Surface erosion was determined based on the variation of grain size distribution and bulk density. Differences of the grain size distribution and surface erosion between the two slope aspects and among the slope gradients were analyzed using the Tukey test. No significant difference was found between slope aspects in surface soil erosion. Nevertheless, surface soil erosion was affected by slope gradient in each slope aspect (R2= 0.78, p< 0.05). Surface erosion in the north slopes was more dependent on the slope gradient, as compared to the corresponding south slopes. In the south slopes, surface erosion was affected by the movement of silt particles from soil surface, while in the north slopes, it was significantly affected by the loss of clay particles.

S. Esmailian, M. Pajouhesh, N. Gharahi, Kh. Abdollahi,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (12-2023)

Awareness of the number of changes in runoff and sediment on different slopes can be useful in modeling the production of runoff and sediment. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the production of surface and tunnel runoff and sediment in saline and sodic soils on different slopes. Saline-sodic soil was collected and transported to the laboratory. Laboratory experiments were performed on a soil bed in a rectangular flume at three different slopes (5%, 10%, and 15%) under simulated rain (30 mm/h) for one hour. An analysis of variance was used to investigate the effect of slope on runoff and sediment production, and the means were compared using Duncan's test at the five percent level using SPSS version 26 software. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the slopes of the runoff (P<0.001) and sediment (P<0.001). In the first minute of the experiments, due to the lack of moisture in the soil, the amount of runoff was low, but over time, the amount of runoff increased. It is because the pores are blocked by the dispersion of soil particles owing to the presence of sodium ions, which ultimately leads to a decrease in permeability. Similarly, in the last few minutes, outflow from the tunnel was observed, and this flow occurred only on slopes of 10% and 15%. The amount of sediment was also low in the first few minutes, which could be related to the low amount of runoff and the lack of sediment particle removal. Nonetheless, after the lapse of time, its amount increased, and the primary reasons were reduced permeability, increased runoff, and removal of fine particles from the soil surface.

S. Esmailian, M. Pajouhesh, N. Gharahi, Kh. Abdollahi, Gh. Shams,
Volume 28, Issue 2 (8-2024)

Studying the process of soil erosion and evaluating its effective factors is one of the most important prerequisites for proper management of soil and water resources. This study was conducted to investigate the production of surface and pipe runoff and sediment using artificial rainfall on silt loam soil in the laboratory. So, the soil was collected from the study area and transported to the laboratory. Laboratory experiments were performed on a soil bed in a rectangular flume with three pipes, at slopes of 2%, 6%, 10%, 14%, and 18% under simulated rain (30 mm/h) for one hour. Related graphs were drawn in Excel to analyze the results, and Spearman's correlation test was used in SPSS software to check the correlation between runoff and sediment values in each slope. The results showed that with the increase in slope, the sum of surface and pipe runoff and sediment increased over time. For example, in a slope of 2%, the runoff and sediment in the initial moments of the experiment increased from 0 to 1.3 liters and 26.2 g m-2 at the end of the experiment. Also, the correlation coefficient between runoff and sediment in the slopes was 0.98, 0.62, 0.4, 0.93, and 0.15, respectively, which was significant in some, but in others, it was not significant because of soil loss.

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