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Showing 2 results for Wheat Yield

M Noruzi, A Jalalian, Sh Ayoubi, H Khademi,
Volume 12, Issue 46 (1-2009)

Crop yield, soil properties and erosion are strongly affected by terrain parameters. Therefore, knowledge about the effects of terrain parameters on strategic crops such as wheat production will help us with sustainable management of landscape. This study was conducted in 900ha, of Ardal district, Charmahal and Bakhtiari Province to develop regression models on wheat yield components vs. terrain parameters. Wheat yield and its components were measured in 100 points. Points were distributed randomly in stratified geomorphic surfaces. Yield components were measured by harvesting of 1 m2 plots. Terrain parameters were calculated by a 3×3 m spacing from digital elevation model. The result of descriptive statistics showed that all variables followed a normal distribution. The highest and lowest coefficient of variance (CV) was related to grain yield (0.36) and thousand seeds weight (0.13), respectively. Multiple regression models were established between yield components and terrain parameters attributes. The predictive models were validated using validation data set (20% of all data). The regression analysis revealed that wetness index and curvature were the most important attributes which explained about 45-78% of total yield components variability within the study area. The overall results indicated that topographic attributes may control a significant variability of rain-fed wheat yield. The result of validation analysis confirmed the above-stated conclusion with low RMSE and ME measures.
A. Vaezi, E. Zarrinabadi, Y. Salehi,
Volume 25, Issue 3 (12-2021)

The effective use of rainwater is a key issue in agricultural development in arid and semi-arid regions. The tillage system as an important soil management measure can affect the rainwater retention, soil moisture content, and in consequence crop yield in rainfed lands. This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of slope gradient and tillage direction on rainwater use efficiency (RWUE) in rainfed lands in Zanjan Province. The field experiment was performed in five slope gradients (12.6, 15.3, 17, 19.4, and 22%) and two tillage directions (along slope and on contour tillage) at two replications. Mass soil water content was determined at 5-day intervals and runoff was measured after rainfalls. Wheat grain yield was determined for each plot and RWUE was computed using the proportion of wheat grain yield and precipitation. Base on the results, runoff, soil moisture, wheat grain yield, and RWUE were affected by tillage directions, so that runoff in contour line tillage decreased about 6.4 times compared to along slope tillage and in consequence increased soil moisture, wheat grain yield, and RWUE about 8.7, 24.8, and 24.8%, respectively. Increasing runoff production in contour line tillage at steeper slopes was associated with a lower capacity of cultivated furrows that strongly declined soil water retention and negatively affected wheat grain yield and RWUE in the lands. This study revealed that the efficiency of the contour tillage in water retention and RWUE decreases in steeper slopes in rainfed lands.

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