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Showing 171 results for Yield

Reza Aminpour, Sayed-Farhad Mousavi,
Volume 1, Issue 1 (4-1997)

In order to determine the effects of number of irrigations on stages of development, yield, and yield components of cumin, an experiment was conducted in 1993 - 94 growing season with a randomized complete block design and four replications. The location of the experiment was Isfahan University of Technology Research Station in Shervedan Field. The irrigation treatments were: I1- Irrigation after planting I2- Irrigation after planting and at the stage of full standing of plants I3- Irrigation after planting, full standing of plants, and anthesis and I4- Irrigation after planting, full standing of plants, anthesis, and beginning of grain filling stage. The stages of development (from emergence to anthesis) occurred simultaneously in all treatments. However, the water deficit in I1 and I2 caused the plants to reach their physiological maturity 5 days sooner than the other two treatments. The time intervals between anthesis and physiological maturity in I4 and I3 treatments were 12 days and 5 days longer than those in the other two treatments, respectively. The grain yield of I1 and I2 were approximately 60% of I3 and no significant difference was observed between the grain yields of I1 and I2 treatments, nor between I3 and I4 treatments. The grain yields in I3 and I4 treatments were about 1742 and 1800 Kg/ha, respectively. The number of umbels per plant, the most important grain yield component, was greater in I3 and I4 than the other two irrigation regimes, but the number of seeds per umbel and 1000-seed weight of I3 and I4 were lower than that in I1 and I2 treatments.
ِahmad Sobati, Abolhassan Hashemi Dezfuli,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (7-1998)

Growth and grain yield of irrigated barley cultivars (Valfajr, Binam and Raihaneh) was investigated at 4 sowing dates (6, 22 Oct. and 14, 20 Nov.) in Karaj region. The effect of sowing date, genotype and their interaction on grain yield were statistically significant. Early and late sowing enhanced cold damage. However, the damage was more in late sowings. It was estimated that the optimum sowing date would be about 50 days (600 GDD) prior to freeze-up and maximum cold damage would occur when sowing was delayed until some 22 days (230 GDD) before freeze-up but any more delay in sowing would cause less damage. Highest grain yield was obtained from Raihaneh at 22 Oct. sowing. Binam showed good yield stability and relatively high yield, especially in unfavorable sowing dates. In the relatively favorable sowing dates (6 and 22 Oct.), grain weight showed positive correlation with linear grain filling rate, storage and translocation of reserves. LAI, LAR, RGR, CGR and LAD of each cultivar were higher in the second sowing date compared to the first one. The “ratio of post anthesis growth to maximum TDM” showed a high correlation with the harvest index. Raihaneh was the highest cultivar in resistance to lodging, harvest index, storage and retranslocation of assimilates, and linear grain filling rate. It is suggested that at favorable sowing dates, Valfajr and Binam had source limitation or disturbed translocation and Raihaneh had sink limitation.
Abolfazl Faraji, Aghafakhr Mirlohi,
Volume 2, Issue 3 (10-1998)

In order to study the effects of rate and time of nitrogen application on vegetative characters, i.e., yield and yield components of rice (Zayandeh-rood variety), an experiment was conducted at Isfahan University of Technology research farm during summer 1996. Four N rates including (60, 90, 120 and 150 KgN/ha) and four splitting form (1- all N applied before transplanting 2- 1/3 N applied before transplanting, 1/3 at the beginning of tillering and 1/3 at the emergence of first panicle in 50% hills 3- 1/2 at the beginning of tillering and 1/2 at the emergence of first panicle in 50% hills 4- 1/3 at the beginning of tillering and 2/3 at the emergence of first panicle in 50% hills) were evaluated in a factorial experiment which was arranged in a randomized complete block design with 3 replications. Plant height, number of tillers per unit area and days to heading and maturity increased with an increase in the rate of fertilizer application. Grain yield and number of panicles per square meter increased when the N rate was raised to 120 Kg N/ha, while application of 150 Kg N/ha resulted in the reduction of grain yield and number of panicles. Nitrogen rate increases did not have any significant effect on number of grains per panicle. The grain weight did not follow any particular trend at different application rates, but harvest index and percentage of filled grains were decreased as the N rate increased. The percentage of nitrogen content of plant was increased as a result of higher N - rate at heading and harvest times. Treatments containing base application of nitrogen resulted in an increase in plant height, number of tillers, plant dry matter, grain yield and number of panicles per square meter, although it caused a reduction in harvest index. The number of grains per panicle and grain weight did not follow any particular trend under the influence of time of application, although plant nitrogen content increased with a delay in time of fertilizer application.
Reza Jamshidian, Mohammad Reza Khajehpour,
Volume 3, Issue 1 (4-1999)

Limited time for crop residue decomposition and complete seedbed preparation in double-cropping necessitates reduced tillage which is associated with its shortcomings. Information about seedbed preparation aspects in double-cropping of wheat and mungbean in Isfahan is lacking. For this reason, the effects of various seedbed preparation methods on growth, seed yield and yield components of mungbean (experimental line 1-61-16) were studied in a wheat-mungbean double-cropping system during 1996 at the Agricultural Research Station, Isfahan University of Technology. Two residue management treatments (burned and nonburned) along with four tillage systems: moldboard plow, disk, khischee and no-till were laid out in a strip plot design within a randomized complete block design with four replications. Improved establishment and plant growth conditions associated with burning residue treatment significantly increased plant density, above ground plant weight, number of nodes per branch, plant height, number of pods per main stem and per square meter, number of seeds per pod on main stem and on branches, number of seeds per main stem, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index. Higher plant density in this treatment resulted in significant reduction in the number of branches and number of pods per branch. Desirable conditions for establishment and growth in disk and moldboard plow treatments significantly increased plant density, above ground plant weight, number of pods per main stem and per square meter, number of seeds per pod on main stem and on branches, number of seeds per main stem, seed yield, biological yield and harvest index. No-till treatment produced the least results in respect to the above traits. The results indicated that burning residues with disk tillage system might be an appropriate seedbed preparation method under conditions similar to this experiment.
B. Siahsar, A. Rezai,
Volume 3, Issue 3 (10-1999)

In order to study the genetic and environmental variability of morphological and phenological characteristics and also to gain a better understanding of the morphological basis of yield variation in soybean, an experiment was conducted at Research Farm, College of Agric., Isfahan University of Technology, in 1996. The experiment was arranged in three augmented designs with 285 lines and 5 control varieties. There were highly significant differences among genotypes for all the characteristics studied. The phenotypic coefficients of variability were greater than the genotypic ones for all the traits although the differences for most of them were small. The highest phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation, in order of magnitude, were obtained for number of pods per plant, days to flowering, plant height, height of the lowest pod, and number of lateral branches. Heritability estimates and the percent of genetic improvement for these traits and seed weight were high but for seed yield per plant were low. The lowest coefficients of variability were related to number of seeds per pod and days to germination. The results of stepwise regression analysis indicated that the maximum variation in seed yield could be attributed to the number of pods per plant, number of seeds per pod, and 100-seed weight. Factor analysis in addition to emphasizing the importance of yield components, resulted in four factors which determined 97.34% of yield variation. These factors which were indicators of physiological sink and source, with respect to the traits contained, were named as photosynthetic sink, plant architecture, fixed capital, and weight, respectively. In general, it was concluded that in order to improve soybean cultivars, selection should be in favor of plants with stronger structure, higher number of leaves, nods and pods per plant, and higher seed weights.

M. Azimi, S. Massiha, M. Moghaddam, M. Valizadeh,
Volume 3, Issue 4 (1-2000)

In order to study the genetic variation among local varieties of onion in Iran, an experiment was conducted in the Research Center, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University. Sixteen populations were evaluated for agronomic characteristics and also total seed proteins via SDS-PAGE. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis were used to group the onion populations under study.

 Analysis of variance showed significant differences among varieties for leaf color, leaf length, texture tightness, onion yield per plant, and number of edible layers. No significant differences were observed for the number of twin onions, bulb diameter, and onion dry weight. Hamadan (98-148), Arak (98-95, 98-96, 98-97, 98-103), and Zanjan (98-223) populations acquired the highest onion yield per plant. The significant differences between populations for the majority of characteristics proved the existence of genetic variation in the Iranian onion germplasm. The results from cluster analysis for agronomic characteristics were the same as those from the cluster analysis for the onion yield per plant. The 16 populations were divided into 4 groups. Cluster analysis for the electrophoresis banding pattern resulted in two groups, which was not similar to the dendrogram of agronomic traits. Using principal component analysis, the first principal components determined 97.57% of the total variation. Onion yield per plant was the most important trait in the first principal component and onion dry weight was the second trait in the rank.

M. Mostajeran, M. A. Edriss, R. Ebadi, G. H. Tahmasebi,
Volume 4, Issue 1 (4-2000)

In order to estimate the heritability of morphological characters of worker honey bee and honey yield, 30 queen-mothers were selected randomly from the apiary of Research Center of Animal Science and Natural Resources in Isfahan Province. From each queen-mother, five queen-daughters were reared and introduced to equalize colonies after natural mating of queens. Summer honey yield was measured, while fall honey production was calculated from area of sealed honey combs. The total honey was calculated by adding summer honey production to fall honey production. Morphological characters were measured under a stereo-dissecting microscope fitted with a calibrated micrometer reticle according to Ruttners method (1985).

 Heritabilities were estimated by intraclass correlation method. Heritabilities of summer, fall and total yearly honey yields were estimated to be 0.64, 0.51 and 0.30, respectively. Estimates of heritability of morphological characters for probscis length, tibia length, femur length, metatarsus length, metatarsus width, forewing length, forewing width, cubital index, hindwing length and number of hamuli were 0.64±0.08, 0.45±0.07, 0.50±0.07, 0.47±0.07, 0.33±0.06, 0.42±0.06, 0.89±0.10, 0.5±0.07, 0.94±0.10 and 0.45±0.07, respectively. It could be concluded that in order to increase honey yield in either season (summer or fall), selection must be based on the amount of honey yield in the corresponding season. Thus, heritabilities of forewing and hindwing lengths were high selection according to these morphological characters would, therefore, change the size of these characters.

A. Mirlohi, N. Bozorgvar, M. Bassiri,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2000)

In order to determine the most suitable cultivar and N level based on yield and silage value of forage sorghum, an experiment was conducted in summer 1995. The experiment was arranged in a split-plot design with four replications. Two levels of N (300, 500 Kg/ha urea) were the main plots and the subplots were three sorghum hybrids (Sugar graze, Super dan and Speed feed). Seeds were hand sown on June 29 with an inter row space of 50 cm and a final density of 20 plant/m2.

The results showed that when the N rate increased, forage yields and percent of protein in forage and silage increased. Also panicle dry weight increased at anthesis. The N rate had no significant effect on other traits. A significant difference was observed among hybrids for all characteristics measured. Sugar graze with a bigger stem diameter was taller and produced higher number of leaves. At anthesis, plant leaf and stem dry weight was also highest for Sugar graze however, the highest panicle dry weight belonged to Speed feed. There was a significant interaction between hybrids and N levels for dry matter production. The percent of leaf, stem and panicle dry matter was highest in sugar graze, Super dan and Speed feed, respectively. The Sugar graze produced the highest forage and dry matter yield. This hybrid produced 30 ton/ha of dry matter and 97 ton/ha of forage, respectively.

 Furthermore, this cultivar had the highest percent of forage crude protein (7.45%) and the least percent of forage crude fiber (25.12%). Ensiling caused a decrease in percentage of crude protein and an increase in crude fiber. The Sugar graze and Speed feed had the highest and lowest dry matter digestibility, respectively. Based on the results obtained from this study, Sugar graze was found to be the most suitable hybrid due to its highest forage and dry matter yield and better silage quality. Higher N rate (500 kg/ha) is also recommended for higher forage yield and higher percentage of protein.

M.r. Khajehpour, F. Seyedi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (7-2000)

Obtaining high seed and oil yields of sunflower requires coincidence of vegetative and reproductive stages of growth of the plant with suitable environmental conditions via selecting appropriate planting date. Since the suitable date of planting for sunflower cultivars under Isfahan environmental conditions was not determined, this experiment was conducted in 1996 at the Agricultural Research Station, Isfahan University of Technology. In this study, five dates of planting (April 27, May 12 and 27 and June 12 and 29) and three open pollinated sunflower cultivars (Record, Vnimik 8931 and Armavirec) were evaluated using a randomized complete block design with split-plot layout in three replications. Date of planting was considered as the main plot and cultivars were randomized in the sub-plots.

Number of seeds per head (SH), l000-seed weight (SW), seed oil percent (SOP) and, consequently, yields of oil (OY) and seed (SY) were significantly reduced as planting was delayed. Reduction in these traits were considered to be related to the coincidence of vegetative and reproductive growth stages with higher temperatures prevailing at later plantings. Vnimik 8931 had higher SH and SW, and thus produced higher SY. This cultivar had lower SOP than Record, but produced higher OY than Record due to its higher SY. Armavirec was ranked the least for the measured traits, except for its SH that was slightly higher than that of Record. SH was the most contributing trait to the increase in SY, and SY was the most determining trait for the increase in OY. Date of planting by cultivar interactions for SH, SY and OY were significant. Nevertheless, the highest amount of the measured traits were obtained with Vnimik 8931 at the first planting date.

A. Arzani,
Volume 4, Issue 3 (10-2000)

Knowledge of the effects of row spacings and seeding rates on dual-purpose forage and seed production of an annual legume crop is essential for its proper agronomical exploitation. In this study, the effects of various row spacings and seeding rates on dry matter and seed yield in berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) were evaluated in two consecutive years. The experimental design was a split-plot with four row spacings as main plot treatments in a randomized complete block design with four replications, and five seeding rates were allocated to subplots.

Combined analysis of variance of the two-year data showed that both row spacings and seeding rates influenced dry matter yield (DM), seed yield, plant height, 1000-seed weight and harvest index. Years, as well as two- and three-factor interactions did not affect the seed yield whereas row spacing × seeding rate, and year × seeding rate significantly affected the DM. The mean comparisons indicated that row spacings of 30 and 45 cm produced the highest DM of 3912.2 and 3900 kg/ha 45 and 60 cm spacings showed the highest seed yield of 1045.4 and 1093.3 kg/ha, respectively. 24 and 20 kg/ha seeding rates ranked the best in giving 1244.7 and 1223 kg/ha seed yield, respectively. The seeding rate of 16 kg/ha in the first year and 20 kg/ha in the second year produced the highest DM yield with means of 3837.5 and 3875.3 kg/ha, respectively. Regarding the dual-purpose of forage and seed production in berseem clover, 20 kg/ha seeding rate at 45 cm row spacing can be recommended for Isfahan region and for other comparable environmental conditions.

A. Alizadeh, A.g. Ghorbani, G.h. Haghnia,
Volume 4, Issue 4 (1-2001)

In order to compare the effect of drip and furrow irrigation methods with different quantities of water (50%, 75%, and 100% of the amount of water evaporated from class A pan evaporation during irrigation intervals) on yield and quality of tomato, an experiment was conducted on a silty loam soil in Mashhad Agricultural Research Station. The experimental design was a factorial trial with completely randomized blocks and. four replications.

The results showed that the highest yield (51 t/ha) was obtained from the treatment of drip irrigation with 100% water application. This amount was 4.5 tons higher than the yield from furrow irrigation treatment. Deficit irrigation by 25 and 50 percent decreased total yield by 34.7% and 67.95% in the drip irrigation method and by 27.57% and 64.29% in the furrow irrigation, respectively. Water use efficiency in drip irrigation was two times higher than that in the furrow treatment. Quality and chemical composition of the fruits were not significantly different in the two irrigation methods. Increasing the water deficit, however, increased the amount of soluble solids of the fruits.

A. Mirlohi, M.a. Hajabassi, S.j. Razavi, E. Ghanaati,
Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-2001)

Soil loss due to erosion is a common problem in most parts of Iran. Reduced soil organic matter and lack of proper agricultural management have intensified the problem in recent years. Conservation tillage systems are becoming more widely used in corn production in other parts of the world because of soil losses due to wind and water erosion and energy inputs. Changes in tillage methods, however, create different environments for the germination, development and maturation of corn plants. Most corn hybrids have been selected and developed under conventional tillage systems but these hybrids mayor may not be well adapted to both systems. This study aims to evaluate the performance of five locally grown corn hybrids under zero and conventional tillage methods. The experiment was conducted for 2 years on a plot of land specified for this study. Experimental design was a split plot with randomized complete block arrangement and four replications.

Seedling and juvenile plant growth were not affected by tillage method and were similar for all hybrids. Plant dry matter was affected significantly by the cropping system and was lower in no-till method. Plant leaf area index and stem diameter reduced significantly in the no-till system. Reduction was greater in the second year of the experiment. Also grain yields were significantly different among years, tillage method and plant genotypes. Yield reduction was highest in the second year of the experiment under no-till cropping system. There was no interaction between tillage method and corn genotypes, indicating that, usually genotypes perform similarly with regard to grain yield under both tillage methods. The results suggest that corn production under no-till system in Isfahan is probably associated with yield reduction.

A.a. Seraj,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (7-2001)

Field studies of S. cretica Led. damage and potential crop losses on two important cultivars of sugarcane, NCo 310 and CP 57-614, were carried out in southern Khuzestan in 1998-1999.

 CP 57-614 showed greater mean percentage of bored nodes and internodes (20.7%) than NCo 310 (11-2%). Apart from the direct losses in cane weight (cane yield) due to boring from the larvae, cane juice quality is also adversely affected, resulting in lower recovery of sucrose in the factory. Sugar per ton of stalks also was greater in NCo 310 (132 kg) than in CP 57-614 (110 kg). Estimated sugar losses were 0.11 tons ha-1 for every 1% bored and rotten stalks. Other indirect losses are also discussed.

A. Rezaizad, B. Yazdi Samadi, M.r. Ahmadi, H. Zeinali,
Volume 5, Issue 3 (10-2001)

To determine the relationships between yield and its components, and to find the direct and indirect effects of yield-related traits on soybean yield, 240 genotypes were grown in the Research Station, College of Agriculture, Karaj, Iran, in 1997-98 using an augmented design. The study of correlation analysis showed that number of seeds per plant and seed yield per plant had the highest significant correlation coefficient (r=0.92). Other significant correlation coefficients were found between biomass per plant and yield (r=0.86) and between number of pods per plant and yield (r=0.67). Results of stepwise regression analysis revealed that number of seeds per plant, seed weight, and number of seeds per pod were the three major traits affecting seed yield in soybean. However, path analysis showed that only two of the three above-mentioned traits, namely, number of seeds per plant and seed weight, are quite important for soybean selection programs. Stepwise regression analysis was used again, omitting number of seeds per plant, which showed that number of pods per plant, seed weight, plant height and number of days to 90% maturity, are important contributors to yield. Path analysis, this time, revealed that the correlation effects to plant height and number of days to 90% maturity on yield is due to the indirect effects exerted through other traits. It is concluded that three traits, namely, number of seeds per plant, seed weight and number of pods per plant have notable effects on soybean seed yield.
G. Fathi, M. Mojedam, S. A. Siadat, G. Noor Mohammadi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2002)

Effects of different levels of nitrogen fertilizer and cutting time of forage on grain and forage yield of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) Karoon cultivar was studied during 1995-1996 at Ramin Agricultural Research and Educational Center, University of Shahid Chamran, Ahwas, by using a split plot design in randomized complete block with 4 replications. Main plots were assigned to five levels of N fertilizer (45, 90, 135, 180 and 225 kg N/ha) as urea fertilizer and subplots to three cutting times (no cutting, cutting forage at early stem elongation without removing reproductive meristem and cutting forage in the middle of stem elongation with cut reproductive meristem).

The effects of N rates and cutting time on grain yield were significant. Maximum yield was obtained with 281.6 g/m2 when crop plants received 90 kg N/ha and cutting time at early stem elongation and minimum yield was obtained (158.2 g/m2) with 45 kg N/ha and cutting forage in the middle of stem elongation. Interactive effect of levels of N and cutting time on spike number per m2, grain number in spike and grain weight were significant. Among yield components, spike number and grain weight showed the highest sensitivity to both. Different levels of N increased forage protein concentration and protein yield significantly, but delay in cutting time decreased protein concentration and increased protein yield. Results indicated that high levels of N could not compensate for the delay in cutting time of forage for grain yield. It was concluded that application of 90 kg N/ha and cutting time in early stem elongation was preferable for grain and forage production as compared to other treatments.

M. R. Khajehpour, A. R. Bagherian Naeni,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (1-2002)

It is believed that various types of field bean, including pinto, white and red, differ in adaptability to high temperatures and may, thus, differ in response to delay in planting. In order to evaluate this response, an experiment was conducted during 1996 at the Agricultural Research Station, Isfahan University of Technology, using a randomized complete block design with split-plot layout. Main plots consisted of four planting dates (April 28, May 13 and 28 and June 13) and sub-plots included four genotypes of common bean (red bean, c.v. Naz pinto beans, experimental lines 11816 and 16157 and a white bean, experimental line 11805).

 Number of branches per plant, number of pods per branch and per unit area, number of seeds per pod of main stem and branch, number of seeds per main stem, per branch and per unit area, 100-seed weight and seed yield significantly reduced, while harvest index significantly increased by delay in planting and consequent increases in temperature and reduction in time for growth. The lower harvest index obtained with early planting was the result of the lower efficiency of the produced vegetative growth due to the coincidence of seed filling period with high temperatures. Pinto bean line 11816 ranked the highest for number of branches per plant and harvest index among the genotypes evaluated and produced the highest seed yield (3030 kg ha-1). Although red bean Naz ranked the highest for number of pods and seed per main stem and per unit area, it had the lowest harvest index and 100-seed weight and, consequently, produced the least seed yield (2254 kg ha-1). The results obtained indicate that delay in planting adversely affects bean seed yield. Pinto bean line 11816 may have higher yield potential among the genotypes studied at all planting dates under conditions similar to the present experiment. No specific relationship was observed between apparent seed characteristics and plant tolerance to heat.

A. Erfani, G.h. Haghnia, A. Alizadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (4-2002)

A field study was conducted at the College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, to investigate the effect of irrigation with treated municipal wastewater on the yield and quality of lettuce and some soil characteristics. Five irrigation treatments were applied to a clay loam soil, classified as fine loamy mixed mesic Calcixerollic Xerochrepts, in a randomized block design with 5 replications. The treatments consisted of T1 (Irrigation with treated wastewater over all growing season), T2 (Alternate irrigation with treated wastewater and well water), T3 (Irrigation with well water and application of cattle manure), T4 (Irrigation with well water plus fertilizer N and P), and T5 (Irrigation with well water only as control). Chemical analysis of well water proved to be a suitable source for agriculture.

The results showed that the yield was higher in T1, T2, T3 and T4 as compared to the control treatment. Maximum fresh and dry yields were obtained from T3 & T1 and T1 & T3, respectively. Plant tissue analysis showed an increase in macronutrients (N, P, K) and heavy metal concentrations in shoots and roots of lettuce in the first four treatments as compared to the control. In T1, iron concentration was maximum while that of cadmium was minimum. Furthermore, microbial contamination was considerably higher in T1 and T2. Soil analysis indicated that in plots treated with wastewater, electrical conductivity, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, soluble boron and heavy metal concentration increased. However, their values were all below international standards. More experiments seem to be necessary in this regard.

M. A. Edriss, M. Mostajeran, R. Ebadi,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (7-2002)

To estimate the relationship between honey yield and some of the morphological characters, five queen-daughters from each of 30 queen-mothers were studied. The queen-mothers were selected randomly from the apiary of Research Center of Animal Science and Natural Resources in Isfahan Province. Summer honey yield was measured from the difference of honey comb before and after honey extraction while fall honey production was calculated from area of sealed honey combs. Morphological characters were recorded using a stereodissecting microscope fitted with a calibrated micrometer reticule according to Ruttner’s procedures. The mean of honey yield for a year was estimated to be 10.05 kg. Phenotypic correlations between yearly honey production and summer and fall honey productions were estimated to be 0.49 and 0.88, respectively, while the correlation between summer and fall honey yields was low (0.019). There were significant correlations between summer honey yield with cubital-b index, tibia length and forewing width (0.28, 0.27 and 0.25, respectively). Also there were significant correlations between metatarus width with total and fall honey yields (0.22 and 0.23, respectively). Genetic correlations between metatarus length and cubital index with summer honey yield were negative (-0.75 and -0.45, respectively). It may be concluded that due to the high correlation between summer honey production and total honey yield, one could improve yearly honey production by selecting on the basis of summer yield of colonies. Among morphological traits, metatarus length, forewing width and cubital index could be used in the breeding plan in order to increase honey yield.
S. Ayoubi, J. Givi, A. Jalalian, A. M. Amini,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2002)

In quantitative land suitability evaluation, economic aspects land evaluation such as impact of environmental physical factors on crop production and the amount of yield per surface unit are considered. The purpose of this research was to study quantitative land suitability of northern Baraan area located in eastern Isfahan. The study was a continuation of the previously accomplished qualitative land suitability evaluation of the area. The economic studies include economic data collection, matching inputs and outputs and gross margins analysis. Radiation-thermal production potential of the crops was calculated based on plant physiology and temperature (FAO model), which was 10.45, 10.11, 13.64 and 11.93 ton/ha for wheat, barley, maize and rice, respectively. Radiation-thermal production potential, observed and marginal yields and the results of the qualitative land evaluation were used to perform quantitative land evalution and to determine the corresponding suitability classes. The predicted yield in different land units varies between 1.64 and 9.17 ton/ha for wheat, 1.81 and 9 ton/ha for barley, 2.06 and 9.42 ton/ha for maize and 2.35 and 7.14 ton/ha for rice. Presence of significant statistical correlation between the observed and the predicted yield values reveals the validity of the evaluation methods used. The results from quantitative land evaluation show that most of the land units are slightly to moderately suitable for wheat, barley, maize and rice, while a few are not. The best land utilization type in each land unit can be selected through a combined consideration of quantitative land evaluation results, benefitability of each land unit and impact of the land use on the soil. Rice cultivation is not recommended in the study area, because of its adverse effect on soil physical properties and soil drainage.
A. H. Khoshgoftarmanesh, M. Kalbasi,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (10-2002)

During 1998-99, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of residual Processed Municipal Waste Leachate (PMWL) on growth and yield of wheat (variety Roshan). The treatments consisted of residual amounts of 0, 150, 300 and 600 t/ha of PMWL and a residual N, P, K, and Zn fertilizer treatment in a randomized block design with 3 replications. In 1998, rice seedlings were transferred to 34 m plots. After harvesting the rice, wheat was seeded in the same plots without any new treatment. Processed municipal waste leachate and fertilizers were applied during the rice growth. Residual effects of PMWL increased the amounts of available macro- (N, P and K) and micronutrients (Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn) in soil which, in turn, promoted the grain and straw yield of wheat compared to the control. Straw and grain yield increased from 1.67 and 3.50 t/ha in control to 3.93 and 12.80 t/ha in 600 t/ha of PMWL, respectively. The residual effects of PMWL had no significant effect on heavy metals concentrations in plant. The effects of residual PMWL in the soil were proportional to the amount of leachate applied. However, more investigations are recommended to fully understand heavy metals effects on soil, plant, and environment.

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