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Showing 15 results for Zoning

H. R. Pourghasemi, H. R. Moradi, M. Mohammdi, R. Mostafazadeh, A. Goli Jirandeh,
Volume 16, Issue 62 (3-2013)

The aim of present research is landslide hazard zoning using Bayesian theory in a part of Golestan province. For this purpose, landslides inventory map was created by landslide locations of landslide database (392 landslide locations). Then, the maps of effective parameters in landslide such as slope degree, aspect, altitude, slope curvature, geology, land use, distance of drainage, distance of road, distance of fault, stream power index (SPI), sediment transport index (STI), and rainfall were prepared in GIS environment. Relationship between effective factors and landslide locations were considered using Bayesian probability theory. In the next step, parameters classes weights were found and the landslide susceptibility mapping was achieved by fourteen modeling approaches (using whole parameters and deleting parameters one by one). The verification results by ROC curve and 30% landslide locations showed that the Bayesian probability model has 71.37% accuracy for the second approach of modeling in the study area.
E. Sahebjalal, F. Dehghany, M. S. Tabatabaeezade,
Volume 17, Issue 65 (12-2013)

Groundwater is the most important source of water supply for agricultural purposes in arid and semi-arid areas. In many areas, excessive use of high quality water resources leads to reducing the available water resources and turning to the use of low quality water resources. Thus, knowing the temporal and spatial variation of groundwater quality is a necessary factor for implementation of sound water resource management and establishment of the suitability between water quality and its usage. In order to investigate water quality changes, this study was divided into two phases. In the first phase, for evaluation of the quality of groundwater for irrigation 76 wells were sampled in Bahadoran plain, in the year 2006. The SAR, EC, ions B3+ and Cl- were analyzed as the evaluation indexes. Then, using geostatistical methods the maps of each parameter were prepared. Finally, considering FAO criteria, these maps were overlaid and separate water quality maps were derived. The EC map indicated that in 48 and 52 percent of the groundwater lies in severe and slight to moderate restriction class for irrigation purposes. Moreover, the thematic map of infiltration restrictions indicates that the groundwater has no restriction in 66 percent of the area while 11% of groundwater causes low to moderate and 23 percent causes severe limitation. In the next phase, to examine changes in groundwater salinity during a 5-year period, 38 wells were sampled and the groundwater salinity map for the year 2011 was prepared. Finally, using subtraction of the salinity maps of given years, the salinity changes map was derived. The results of thematic map showed that groundwater salinity increased in 26.47 percent of the study area. In contrast, there was a decrease of about 31.14 percent in groundwater salinity over the 5-year period while 42.39 percent of the region’s groundwater remained unchanged. Since the study area is under cultivation of pistachios and salt threshold of this tree is 8 ds/m so the area of about 8 percent of the area was added to the previous limited areas. Therefore, irrigation management and planting development plan in Eastern and Southeastern areas should be revised.
M. Shamaeizadeh, S. Soltani,
Volume 18, Issue 70 (3-2015)

Hydrologic drought which usually affects wide regions can be studied through Low flow index. In this study, to predict hydrologic drought in North Karoon watershed, 14 stations with suitable and long enough duration data were recorded in the 1387-88 water year. Then 13 physiographic and climatic characteristics of the chosen stations were used to perform homogeneity test for cluster analysis. 7 day low flow series were calculated in each station and according to chi-square and Kolomogragh smirnov tests and parameter, 2 parameter gamma distribution was selected as the best regional distribution for this region. Therefore, a seven day low flow index was estimated using FREQ for 5,10,20,50,100 return periods. Regional analysis was performed using a multiple regression method. Moreover, flow duration curves were delineated to obtain Q95 index. Then, zoning maps for Q95، Q7,2 ،Q7,10, Q7,100 were prepared. The results of regional analysis indicated that the averages of height and slope were the two most effective parameters in low flow in this watershed. The investigation of zoning maps showed that southeastern part of this watershed experiences severe droughts compared with other parts.

H. Daliran Firouz, F. Mokhtari, S. Soltani , S. A. Mousavi,
Volume 19, Issue 74 (1-2016)

Floods are considered as most destructive among all natural hazards which impose lots of damages on human societies. Hence, it is important to estimate such damages and losses and to determine flood impact areas for management plans. HEC-FIA software as a new model (Sep. 2012) was used in Ghohrood and Ghamsar watershed basins to estimate flood-driven losses and impacts. In this model, HEC-RAS and HEC-Geo RAS are used to produce inundation map in different return periods of flood as HEC-DSS file and by using the data collected in relation to regional agricultural land, building and human, human and financial losses are directly estimated. According to the results of this model, agriculture, building and human losses respectively in Ghohrood watershed are about 354 million rials with 24 buildings affected, and in Ghamsar watershed this is about 12879 million rials with 36 buildings damaged. The advantages of this model over the previous models are estimating the direct economic and human losses for what has occurred and for possible floods in the future. The results can help with watershed management, flood insurance and risk management.

S. H. Sadeghi, A. Allbuali, R. Ghazavi,
Volume 20, Issue 76 (8-2016)

Nowadays, the increasing population and water demand in various sectors of agriculture, industry, drinking and sanitation has brought about tremendous pressure on groundwater resources. Changes in groundwater quality and salinity of the water resources are currently major threats to development, especially in the dry and too dry lands. The aim of this study is evaluation of the trend of changes in groundwater quality, both temporally and spatially, in Kashan plain over a period of 12 years (2002-2013) using geostatistical methods and classification methods namely Shouler and Wilcox. Thereby, Export Choice has been used and each parameter has been weighted according to its effect on water quality changes. Then, the weighted average of water quality parameters was used for zoning the drinking and agriculture water. The results showed that among the geostatistical methods, circular Kriging based on the correlation coefficient has more acceptable performance. Moreover, the results of spatial and temporal changes in water quality based on Shouler and Wilcox indicate a decrease of drink and agriculture water quality in the study area. Besides, 1.75 km2 of high quality drinkable water was annually decreased between 2002 and 2013 and replaced with moderate or poor quality water. Also, the same but more remarkable decline happened in agriculture water so that 11.06 km2 of high quality agriculture water annually diminished from 2002 to 2009 and plunged zero by 2009.

S. Ebrahimiyan, M. Nohtani, H. Sadeghimazidi,
Volume 21, Issue 2 (8-2017)

The basis of spatial planning is the geomorphological zoning of ground surface, in which the first phase is determining the homogeneous zones of the ground surface in terms of geomorphological characteristics. The current study aimed at determining the proper zones for artificial feeding in Gahar mountainous region and Garebayegan plains in Fars province by the use of zoning the ground by Evans-Chezy quantitative coefficients. The quantitative zoning of ground surface plays a vital role in more accurate determination of the land capabilities due to precise determination and division of the types, facies, and surface terrains. For this study, the elevation numeral data with 10m resolution obtained from the National Cartographic Center was used. By the use of surface fitting tools in MATLAB software, the equation for each form was fitted to limited fragments of the surface and the program was applied. Then, each of the quantitative coefficients was illustrated as some zones. For determination of fitting degree, the total squared difference between the rate parameter was used and by the use of fitness degree, the propriety degree of the surface for optimal positioning of flood spreading with surface morphological view was determined. The results indicate that the surface downstream the alluvial fans and plains located on the southern region of the studied land is the most appropriate zone for the Flood Spreading. This area constitutes a surface of 10% of the total area of the region.

K. Nosrati, M. Heydari, M. Hoseinzadeh, S. Emadoddin,
Volume 22, Issue 3 (11-2018)

Ziarat drainage basin, in the southern part of Gorgan city, is exposed to mass movement, especially landslide occurrence, due to geologic, geomorphologic, and anthropogenic reasons. The objectives of this study were to predict landslide susceptibility and to analyze the effective factors using rare events logistic regression. In view of this, the map layers of the variables including geology, land use, slope, slope aspect, distance of road, distance of fault and distance of river were prepared using topographic and geologic maps and aerial photo interpretation. In addition, the map layers of the soil variables including the percent of clay, silt, sand, and saturation water as well as plasticity limit index were determined based on the laboratory analysis of 32 soil samples collected from landslide sites and 32 soil samples obtained from non-occurrence landslide sites. The controlling factors of landslide were determined using rare events logistic regression analysis; then based on their coefficients, the landslide risk zoning map was prepared and validated. The landslide risk zoning map was classified in five different hazard classes ranging from very low risk to very high risk; the very high risk class with 16.8 km2 was assigned as the having the highest percent of the catchment area. The results of the model validation showed that the rare events logistic regression model with the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) of 0.69 could be a suitable prediction model for the study area. The results of this study could be, therefore, useful for corrective actions and watershed management landslide high-risk zones.

R. Azadikhah, M. Sedghiasl, E. Adhami, H. R. Owliaie, A. Karami, Sh. Saadipour,
Volume 23, Issue 2 (9-2019)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of soil infiltration using geostatistics methods in a regional scale on 400 hectares of Mansour Abad Plain, in Larestan region, Fars Province. Sampling and parameters measurement were done for 78 points in a regular grid with a distance of 100*100 meters; for these variables, the best variogram model between linear, exponential, Gaussian and spherical models with the highest R2 and the lowest error was determined using GS+ and ArcGIS software. In this study, soil infiltration (cm/min) using the double ring method and some other soil properties including soil electrical conductivity (dS/m), pH, saturation percentage (%SP), particle size percentage (sand, silt and clay), and calcium (meq/lit), magnesium (meq/lit), sodium (meq/lit) were measured and determined. The spatial distribution of Kostiakov and Philip models parameters and theri zoning were determined using the geostatistic method. The results showed that, among different soil properties, the final infiltration rate had a high degree of variability in the study area, and the decision was based on the usual averaging methods, which could have a lot of error. Among applied infiltration models, Kostiakov model and Philip model were the best empirical and physical infiltratin models, respectively, in the studied area. The best semivariogram model for the steady state infiltration rate was Philip model, with the coeficients of S and A, and a coefficient of Kostiakove model was gaussian; for the b coefficient, Kostiakove model was exponential. Spatial structure of the final infiltration rate, a and b coefficients of Kostiakove model, and S and A coefficients of the Philip model, was strong. The best interpolation method for the final infiltration rate was cokriging with the cofactor of silt percentage, for the S coefficient of Philip model was inverse distance weighting (IDW); for a and b coefficients of Kostiakove model, kriging and IDW were suitable, respectively.

Z. Shirkhodaei, F. Aghayari, H. Hasanpour Darvishi,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (2-2020)

There are new technologies such as geographic information systems (GIS) that can be effective in the optimization of irrigation water. Therefore, utilizing these resources in a desirable, effective and efficient manner to ensure sustainable development is one of the most important issues in the today's world. The aim of this study was to determine and evaluate the potential water use efficiency (WUEp) index in the plain scale by using net water requirement data, area under cultivation and yields, and to determine the comparative advantage of wheat and barley plants in Tehran, Alborz, Qom, Qazvin and Zanjan provinces by employing the geographic information system (GIS). The yields of wheat and barley products by weighted average in ArcGIS software were converted to yields in the plains scale. To calculate the potential and actual water use efficiency, we used the OPTIWAT software in order to calculate the net irrigation water and the current irrigation efficiency plains; also, the yields of wheat and barley products in the plains scale were used. Zoning water use efficiency indexes was performed by using the ArcGIS software and Kriging method. Mapping results showed a comparative advantage of crops in the west and northwest of Tehran province, south and southwest of Alborz province, southwest, north- west and center of Qazvin province, center Qom province and also, northern and southern regions of the Zanjan province, in comparison to other areas. Average potential and actual water use efficiency in the whole study area of the provinces for wheat were 1.43 and 0.58 kg m-3, respectively, while these were 1.62 and 0.65 kg m-3 for barley, respectively.

J. Abedi Koupai, B. Babaiee,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Simulation of the hydraulic behaviour of the river basin boundaries is important for river engineering projects, prediction of flood damages in different conditions and economic feasibility studies, flood control, and other social programs related to the system of the river. In this study, river bed and flood zoning map in the range of over 155 km from the Zayandehrud dam to Nekouabad Diversion Dam were addressed by using the software's ArcGIS, HEC-RAS and HEC-GeoRAS extension. For this purpose, a digital elevation map in 1: 250,000 scale was provided and cross-sectional area was divided in 1085. Manning roughness coefficient was determined by Cowan. Finally, data entered into the software HEC-RAS and was analysed. After determining the area of flood in the return periods of 2, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 and 200 years in all cross sections, the results were entered into the ArcGIS environment and flood zoning maps were obtained. The results showed that of the 200-year flood lands, 96% of the land flood was related to the return period of 25 years.

A. Jamal, A. Parvan, D. Valizadeh,
Volume 23, Issue 4 (12-2019)

Today, the preparation of flood zoning maps is one of the basic and important issues in the study of development projects in the world; it is considered before any investment by the related organizations. In this paper, flood zoning was performed using the two-dimensional model HEC-RAS and GIS in order to assess the risk of the construction of a railway station near the bank of the Iranshahr River, in a range of 2500 meters. Two-dimensional hydraulic application could create a more accurate flow pattern in comparison to the one-dimensional model used in the previous studies, especially in the flood plain areas. In this paper, due to the important role of the topography of the area in ensuring the accuracy of the calculation, a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) was used with very high precision (about 2 meters), as obtained from aerial photos. The results of this study indicated the onrush of flood, depth and flow velocity in different return periods. Based on the comparison of water surface profiles in the floodplains with the return period of 100 and 25 years, the maximum difference between the water levels was 0.5 m, which seemed to be reasonable by considering the low slope of the studied area. The results of this paper, therefore, showed that the location of the railway station was in medium risk and the outskirt of floodplain.

S. Ebrahimiyan, M. Nohtani, H. Sadeghi Mazidi, E. Soheili,
Volume 26, Issue 1 (5-2022)

The basis of land management is the geomorphological zoning of the land surface, which is determined based on the same geomorphological characteristics of the zoning. Ground zoning detect land features by basic surface features such as height, slope, and slope direction. In this study, quantitative zoning of the land surface with small coefficients to the surface has been used to identify suitable areas for artificial feeding in the mountainous region of Gohar and Dasht-e Gorbayegan in Fars province. Quantitative zoning of the land surface has been performed by Evans-Shri coefficients due to the accurate determination and separation of types, faces, and surface features of the land has an important role in determining the exact land use. In this research basic models included linear, circular, and divergent models. These basic models with the dimensions of the final windows are ranked second in the MATLAB software to the level the ground is fitted to determine the fit of these models, the parameter of total squared difference has been used. In addition, the suitability of the study area for flood distribution in five different classes was determined using fuzzy logic. The most suitable areas for feeding downstream of the cones had five parameters with a maximum score of 20. The inappropriate class related to the lower plains of alluvial fans have a minimum score of five input classes in fuzzy logic, which is equal to zero.

A. Shahbaee Kotenaee, H. Asakereh,
Volume 27, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Precipitation is one of the main elements of the Earth's hydro-climatic cycle and its variability depends on the complex and non-linear relationships between the climate system and environmental factors. Understanding these relationships and doing environmental planning based on them is difficult. Therefore, classifying data and dividing information into homogeneous and small categories can be helpful in this regard. In the present study, an attempt was made to prepare precipitation, altitude, slope, slope direction, and station density data for 3423 synoptic, climatological, and gauge stations in Iran in the 1961-2015 years’ period. These data were entered into fuzzy (FCM), self-organizing map neural network (SOM-ANN) models and precipitation-spatial zoning. The outputs of the two models were compared in terms of accuracy and efficiency. The results obtained from the output of the models have divided the rainfall conditions of Iran into four zones concerning environmental factors. Evaluations also showed that both models had high accuracy in classifying precipitation parameters; However, the fuzzy model has a relative advantage over the neural network model in the accuracy of results.

Y. Esmaeli, F. Yosefvand, S. Shabanlou, M.a. Izadbakhsh,
Volume 27, Issue 2 (9-2023)

The objective of the current study was to zone flood probability in the Marzdaran watershed. Since the allocated budget for management work is limited and it is not possible to carry out operations in the whole area, having a map that has prioritized different areas in terms of the probability of flood occurrence will be very useful and necessary. A well-known data mining model namely MaxEnt (ME) is applied due to its robust computational algorithm. Flood inventories are gathered through several field surveys using local information and available organizational resources, and the corresponding map is created in the geographic information system. The twelve predisposing variables are selected and the corresponding maps are generated in the geographic information system by reviewing several studies. The area under the curve (ROC) is used to evaluate the modeling results. Then, the most prone areas of flood occurrence which are prioritized for management operations are identified based on the prepared map. Based on the results, about 100 km2 of the study area is identified as the most prone area for management operations. The results showed that the accuracy of the maximum entropy model is 98% in the training phase and 95% in the validation phase. The distance from the river, drainage density, and topographic wetness index are identified as the most effective factors in the occurrence of floods, respectively.

A.r. Emadi, R. Fazloula, S. Zamanzad-Ghavidel, R. Sobhani4, S. Nosrat-Akhtar,
Volume 27, Issue 3 (12-2023)

As one of the most necessary human needs, groundwater resources play a key role in the economic and political processes of societies. Climatic and land-use changes made serious challenges to the quantity and quality of groundwater resources in the Tehran-Karaj study area. The main objective of the present study is to develop a method based on individual intelligent models, including adaptive neural-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), gene expression programming (GEP), and combined-wavelet (WANFIS, WGEP) methods for temporal and spatial estimation of total hardness (TH), total dissolved solids (TDS), and electrical conductivity (EC) variables in the groundwater resources of the Tehran-Karaj area for statistical period of 17 years (2004-2021). The results showed that 
combined-wavelet models have higher performance than individual models in estimating three selected variables. So that the performance improvement percentage of the WANFIS model compared to ANFIS and WGEP model compared to GEP, taking into account the evaluation index of root mean square error (RMSE) were obtained (23.713%, 18.018%), (12.581%, 33.116%), and (6.433%, 12.995%) for TH, TDS, and EC variables, respectively. The results indicated a very high spatial and temporal compatibility of the estimated values of the WGEP model with the observed values for all three qualitative variables in the Tehran-Karaj area. The results showed that the concentration of qualitative variables of groundwater resources from the north to the south of the study area has an upward trend for all three qualitative variables. In urban areas, pollution caused by sewage and population increase, as well as in agricultural areas, the use of chemical fertilizers and their continued infiltration into groundwater resources and 
over-extraction of groundwater resources aggravate their pollution. Therefore, in the study area, climatic changes and the type of land use are strongly related to the quality of groundwater resources.

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