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Showing 3 results for Arid Regions

Majid Hejazi Mehrizi, Hossein Shariatmadari, Majid ََafyuni,
Volume 17, Issue 64 (9-2013)

Application of sewage sludge has been considered as an organic fertilizer in arid and semi-arid regions of Iran. This study was conducted to investigate cumulative and residual effects of sewage sludge on soil inorganic fractions and their relation to phosphorus (P) availability. Two levels of application (50 and 100 Mg ha-1) and three consecutive times of sewage sludge application (1, 3 and 5 years) with a control treatment were studied in a randomized complete block split plot design with three replications. Composite soil samples were collected from 0-30 depth at the end of 5th year of application. Increasing the rate and application year of sewage sludge enhanced dicalcium phosphate (Ca2-P), octacalcium phosphate (Ca8-P), apatite (Ca10-P), aluminum phosphate (Al-P), iron phosphate (Fe-P) and available P but decreased occluded P (OC-P). Residual effect of sewage sludge application resulted in increased inorganic fractions in blocks treated for 1 year compared to control. Positive correlations were observed between inorganic P fractions and Olsen P, wheat yield and P uptake (except OC-P). We concluded that inorganic P fractions and P availability increased in sewage sludge amended soil.
M. Bahmani, M.h Salehi, I. Esfadiarpoor,
Volume 18, Issue 67 (6-2014)

One of the main objectives of soil classification systems is to identify the differences of soil properties for management purposes. In this study, the efficiency of American and WRB soil classification systems were compared in order to describe some of soil physical, chemical and mineralogical properties in arid and semiarid regions of central Iran. Khatoon-Abad and Mobarekeh plains as arid regions and Koohrang and Shahrekord plains as semiarid regions were selected. Then, representative pedons of each plain were chosen from 16 excavated pedons and soil samples were taken from the genetic horizons to determine soil classification. Results showed that soil orders of both Koohrang and Khatoon-Abad plains are vertisols according to American soil classification system whereas based on WRB system, these soils are classified as cambisols and calcisols, respectively. On the other hand, both Mobarekeh and Shahrekord soils are classified as calcisols in WRB system whereas these soils are classified as aridisols and inceptisols, respectively, according to American soil taxonomy. None of soil classification systems could show the existence of gypsum in horizons lower than 100 cm of the soil surface for Mobarekeh soil. Clay mineralogy indicates that smectite is the dominant clay mineral in Koohrang soil as explains well at the family level of American soil classification system. Results suggest that WRB has somewhat higher efficiency rather than American soil classification system for the studied soils.
Zahra Shahrokhi, M. Zare, A. Mirmohammadi Maybodi, F. Arabi Aliabad,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (12-2019)

Droughts are natural events and could lead to declining surface water quality of regional basin. Understanding the complex impacts of drought may help authorities to monitor changes in different regional basin and to make appropriate decision on development of a river basin management plan. In this study 20 years annual precipitation time series from 1994-2013 from 7 synoptic weather stations located in the Halil-Rood basin were analysed using both Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) and then dry (-1.35 to -1.75) and wet years (1/7 to 2.45) were determined by model simulation studies. Several climate based drought indices and remotely sensed based drought indices were used for monitoring and evaluating of drought. The impact of drought on the water quality parameters in the study area was evaluated. Results showed that there was significant relationship between most of the examined water quality parameters (Ca2+, Mg2+, HCO3-, SO42+, Na+, total dissolved solids TDS, SAR) and drought, however there was no significant relationship between water pH and drought. The study indicated that focus on the drought indices might be helpful as a tool in improving surface water resources management under drought condition and may promote sustainable water resources utilization and management in the study area. Also, dividing the Halil-Rood basin into several homogeneous regions is recommended for future studies to prepare a better ground for studying the effect of drought on the quality of water at a regional scale.

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