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Showing 2 results for Available Fe

A. Reyhanitabar, K. Khalkal, N. Pashapour,
Volume 21, Issue 3 (11-2017)

In this research available iron was measured in 21 calcareous surface soil samples (0-30 cm) by five methods including DTPA, AB-DTPA, AC-EDTA, hydroxylamine, reference ammonium oxalate and rapid ammonium oxalate. Fe fractions were also determined by the modified sequential extraction procedures introduced by Singh et al. According to results, rapid ammonium oxalate and AC-EDTA methods extracted the maximum (856.03 and minimum (4.46 amounts of Fe, respectively. Rapid ammonium oxalate extraction method, in addition to Fe-Afeox, extracted other fractions of iron such as Fe-Ex, Fe-Om, Fe-CFeox and Fe-Res. Hydroxylamine method compared to other methods, ectracted Fe mostly from the amorphous oxides source. Regression analysis indicates that Fe-Ex, Fe-AFeox and Fe-Res fractions have major and Fe-Car and Fe-Mnox have minor role in releasing available Fe (with AB-DTPA and DTPA) in the studied soil. According to the statistical relationships, carbonates associated Fe, does not seem a potential source of available Fe in calcareous soils. Organic carbon content and cation exchange capacity of the soils appear the two most influential soil properties that predict available Fe in the studied soils.

H. Motaghian, M. Shirmohammadi, A. Hosseinpur,
Volume 25, Issue 2 (9-2021)

Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plants and its deficiency occurs in calcareous soils. However, a suitable extractant for the estimation of plant-available Fe and its critical level in calcareous soils depends on the type of soil and plant. The objective of the present study was to evaluate several chemical extractants to estimate available Fe and its critical level for corn growing in calcareous soils from Chaharmahal-Va-Bakhtiari Province. The amount of available Fe was measured by DTPA-TEA, AB-DTPA, 0.01 M calcium chloride, Mehlich IІ, and Mehlich ІІI extractants. At the end of the experiment, corn was harvested, and dry weight, Fe concentration in the plant, and the amount of Fe uptake by corn were determined. Extracted Fe had a significant correlation with all extractants used with maize indices. . The highest correlation coefficients were determined between the DTPA-TEA (0.32-0.94) and AB-DTPA (0.43–0.96) methods and the plant indices. The results of this research showed that the DTPA-TEA and AB-DTPA methods were the most suitable extractants for predicting available Fe content in these soils and the critical level of Fe extracted by these extractants was 2.81 and 3.67 mg kg-1.

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