Golestanehzadeh S, Mousavi Anijdan S, Najafi Dezdeh Monfared H. Effect of Oxide flux powders of SiO2, MoO3 and CuO on the diffusion depth, microstructure and microhardness of GTAWed precipitation hardening martensitic 17-4PH steel. JWSTI 2022; 8 (1) :83-92
1- Department of Materials Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2- Department of Materials Engineering, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran , hashemmousavi@srbiau.ac.ir
Abstract: (3846 Views)
In this investigation the effect of oxides powders of SiO2, MoO3 and CuO on the depth of penetration, microstructure and hardness profile of GTAWeld precipitation hardening martensitic 17-4PH was assessed. Samples were taken from 17-4PH steel sheet with the dimensions of 150*50 mm and with the thickness of 5 mm, and were welded by oxide powder of SiO2, MoO3 and CuO. Results showed that using oxide powder increased the penetration depth of the welded joints by about 150 percent compared to the normal condition. Also, it was shown that although using SiO2 powder increased the penetration depth to about 7.49 mm, it provides inferior weld bead appearance. The use of MoO3 and CuO powder increased the penetration depth of the weld to about 5.3 mm. Although inclusions were found throughout the side of the weld bead when MoO3 powder was employed for welding. The microstructure of the weld in different samples did not vary and included dendritic structure with delta ferrite located between the dendrites. The hardness profile of the welded joints showed the closeness of the hardness of the welded joints using different oxide powder with the base metal.
Type of Study:
Research |