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Showing 4 results for Al-7075

M. Mohammadi Zahrani, M. Shamanian,
Volume 2, Issue 2 (11-2016)

The fine grain structure of friction-stir welded aluminum alloys is unstable during post weld heat treatment and some grains abnormally grown. In this study, the sequence of abnormal grain growth during T6 heat treatment of Al-7075 friction-stir weld and its effect on mechanical properties of the weld was studied. The results showed that heat treatment in 510 ˚C resulted in drastic grain growth in stir zone and fine equiaxed grains in the stir zone of as-welded joint were substituted by millimeter-scale irregular grains. Post weld heat treatment resulted in decrease in the tensile elongation from about 10% to 1.5% although the joint tensile strength improved by 28%. In addition, post weld heat treatment changed the fracture location from the 
heat-affected zone to the stir zone.

N. Marchin, A.r. Soltanipoor, K. Farmanesh,
Volume 5, Issue 2 (1-2020)

In this study, the effect of tool's advance velocity on the mechanical behavior of the Al-7075 alloy during friction stir welding was simulated. In this simulation, the Lagrangian method with rigid-Visco-plastic material was used. The results of the process temperature obtained by the simulation method were verified by the experimental welding test. Using the characteristic stress, strain and temperature relationships in the Al-7075 alloy, the changes and the relationship between the material strength during the welding process by simulation was studied. The generated simulation defects was verified by experimental test.
A.r. Soltanipour, A.r. Soltanipour, K. Farmanesh,
Volume 6, Issue 2 (12-2020)

 This paper presents experimental results on the fatigue properties of the modified microstructure of cost Al-alloy 7075 via friction stir processing (FSP). The microstructural behavior was investigated by using optical microscope (OM). The grain size of cast FSP-ed at different locations was investigated via XRD. Uniaxial tensile and bending fatigue tests were carried out at room temperature on both cast and after FSP conditions. Fatigue properties were investigated using a fully reversible bending testing machine. Significance enhancement of mechanical properties was attributes to the elimination of porosities as well as uniform distribution of ultra-fine grains throughout the matrix. A fractographic study was done to understand the fracture behavior being changed from quasi-cleavage fracture to dimple fracture. The resultant ultra-fine grain structure causes significant increasing in tensile and fatigue properties.
M. Niazi, A. Afsari, Seyed A. Behgozin, M. R. Nazemosadat,
Volume 9, Issue 1 (5-2023)

Optimization of Stir Friction Welding parameters such as linear and rotational speed of the tool can be effective to a large extent in improving welding properties. In this research, welding of two sheets of Aluminum of Al-7075 and Al-6061 were validated based on theoretical relations and numerical simulation. The simulation of the contact characteristics of the workpieces with the tool was done using the contact algorithms available in the Ansys software. From the FEM, rotational and linear speed and diameter of the tool were selected as design variables, and multi object optimization was carried out with genetic algorithm and RSM to reach the lowest tool temperature and residual stress.The parametric analysis of FSW of the threaded and non-threaded tool pins showed that the generated heat has proportional and inverse relation with rotation and linear speed of tool respectively. Tool with a diameter of 20 mm showed minimum residual stress in the workpiece. By increasing welding speed, the temperature curves become more compact and the effect of thread on heat generation was more evident in all cases at lower heat input.

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