Volume 5, Issue 1 (spring 2001)                   jwss 2001, 5(1): 221-230 | Back to browse issues page

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Basirat M, Seyedoleslami H. Post Overwintering Heat requirement for Pistachio Seed Wasp [Eurytoma Plotnikovi Nikolskaya(Hym.:Eurytomidae)]. jwss 2001; 5 (1) :221-230
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-237-en.html
Abstract:   (20768 Views)

In winter 1997 severely infested pistachio nuts were collected from orchards in Borkhar district of Isfahan to determine minimum threshold temperature and thermal constants. Minimum threshold temperatures were calculated according to rate of development or X-intercept method and the least coefficient of variation method. Thermal constants were calculated for different developmental stages in the laboratory and were initially compared to field information available.

Results showed that minimum threshold temperatures for covered larvae in nut to 50% pupation, bare larvae to 50% pupation and larvae within nut and 50% pupation to 50% adult emergence according to X-intercept method were 7.69°C, 7.78°C, 9.52°C and 11.14°C, respectively. In the case of least coefficient of variation method, the values were 7.92°C, 7.59°C, 9.81°C and 11.99°C. Thermal constant for occurrence of 50% adult emergence and 50% pupation from overwintering larvae and from 50% pupation to 50% adult emergence and 5% adult emergence to 50% adult emergence with minimum threshold temperatures of 9.5°C, 8°C, 11°C and 11°C under laboratory conditions were 783±17.03, 609±1.7, 215.3±19.05 and 107, respectively, which, except for the last case, they were far different from the thermal constant under field conditions. With regards to the nature of the available data for field conditions, possible reasons have been suggested for these differences.

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2001/04/15

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