Volume 28, Issue 4 (Winter 2025)                   jwss 2025, 28(4): 35-44 | Back to browse issues page

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Abtahi S, Khosroshahi M. Investigation of Potential and Performance of Five Chemical and Mineral Mulch in Stabilizing Sand Dunes. jwss 2025; 28 (4) :35-44
URL: http://jstnar.iut.ac.ir/article-1-4370-en.html
Department of Natural Resources Research, Isfahan Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education, and Extension Organization (AREEO), Kashan, Iran. , morabtahi70@gmail.com
Abstract:   (383 Views)
Today, wind erosion and dust are an environmental crisis, not just in desert areas but also in the entire country, and putting many costs. The combat against wind erosion in many desert areas by using oil mulches and the cultivation of compatible plants started in the 40s. However, the use of petroleum in addition to mulching the environmental problems, due to the high costs of purchase, displacement, and dispersion, is not economical. Therefore, the performance of non-oil and chemical mulch on dunes was investigated in Kashan. The research on fertilizer application of mulch under a completely randomized design includes: control (no mulch), a polymer mulch, potas, Fars, Paya, and Akrilik at 3 reps (3 sand hills) and the amount of erosion (with the help of the embedded indices in the hills), the survival of plants cultivated in the form of cuttings and seedlings, the percentage of humidity and temperature of each iteration were measured and variance analyses were performed. Field surveys and the results of the statistical analysis showed that the strength resistance of Fars, Paya, and Akrilik is almost the same. Observation of wood indices showed that Fars, Paya, and Akrilik mulches have almost the same strength in terms of wind resistance (almost no wind resistance). Fars mulch after 8 months of spraying showed small fractures due to the loss of flexibility. The study of soil temperature statistics showed that the treatments under mulch had no significant temperature difference compared to the control treatment. A comparison of soil moisture data indicated a high moisture percentage in the potash mulch treatment. The survival rate of cultivated plants was higher in Paya and Akrilik treatments. According to the results, Akrilik, Paya, and Fars mulch are recommended for sand fixation. One of the limitations of research in desert areas is the uncontrollability of environmental and human conditions. So, it is recommended to close the entire mulching area and use a mobile wind tunnel device at the project site to determine the wind slavery at different speeds.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Ggeneral
Received: 2023/06/28 | Accepted: 2023/10/22 | Published: 2025/01/29

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