H. R. Ali Abbasi, M. Esfahani, B. Rabiei, M. Kavousi. Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizing Management on Rice (Cv. Khazar) Yield and Its Components in a Paddy Soil of Guilan Province. jwss 2007; 10 (4) :293-307
Abstract: (22298 Views)
Effect of nitrogen (N) fertilizer levels and its split applications on yield and yield components of rice (Oryza sativa L.) Cv. Khazar was investigated in a completely randomized block design with 3 replications in a paddy light soil at Guilan province, Iran, 2003. In this experiment, six treatments including: T1-control (no N fertilizer) T2- 40 kg/ha N (at transplanting time) T3- 80 kg/ha N (at transplanting, and tillering times) T4- 80 kg/ha N (at transplanting, tillering, and panicle initiation times) T5- 120 kg/ha N (at transplanting, and tillering times) and T6- 120 kg/ha N (at transplanting, tillering, and panicle initiation times) were compared. Results showed that the highest fertile tiller number was obtained in the fifth and sixth treatments with double and triple split applications of 120 kg/h N (236 and 248 m-2). The highest fertile filled spikelets percentage (84.8%), 1000-grain weight (26.1 g) and grain yield (4.83 t/ha) belonged to the sixth treatment, but grain yield and 1000-grain weight were not significantly differerent in the fourth and sixth treatments with three fertilizing times. This finding may have resulted from the third topdressing application of nitrogen fertilizer in panicle initiation and higher leaf area (44.8 and 45.5 Cm2), leaf greenness (39.4 and 39.9) and leaf nitrogen concentration (31.2 and 33.6 g/kg) during grain filling in the fourth and sixth treatments. Regression analysis also showed that flag leaf greenness (SPAD values at 5 days after flowering) and flag leaf area accounted for about 75% and 78% changes in yield, respectively. In conclusion, triple split application of 80 kgN/ha could be suggested for rice Cv. Khazar in these regions since the yield would be the same as the application of 120Kg/ha N.
Type of Study:
Research |
Ggeneral Received: 2008/01/9 | Published: 2007/01/15