- Improving the Erosion Behavior of Inconel 625 Substrate by PTA-Deposited Stellite6/B4C Composite Cladding
N. Mohammadi, B. Lotfi * - The Influence of Peroxides and Washing Process on Metal-Organic Framework of MOF-5 Synthesized by Direct Mixing Method
A. Mehdikhani, H. Fallah-Arani *, F. Dabir, A. Ghanbari - Investigation of Photocatalytic Properties of TiO2 and TiO2-4wt.%CdO Nanoparticles for Degradation of Methylene Blue
A. Azimi-Fouladi, S.A. Hasanzadeh-Tabrizi * - Synthesis of Al7075/TiB2-Al2O3 In-Situ Hybrid Composite by Stir Casting Method
B. Sharifian, G. H. Borhani *, E. Mohammad Sharifi
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Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2022، Volume 41، Number 2
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