- Development of lead-free soft solder alloy via accumulative roll bonding
M. H. Nourmohammadi, M. Movahedi *, A. H. Kokabi - The effect of operation time and interlayer thickness on properties of AISI316L/BNi-2/WC-Co bonding system by TLP
B. B. Heidari-Dehkordi, M. Rafiei *, M. Omidi, M. Abbasi-Baharanchi - The effect of nickel powder and tool penetration depth on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir lap welded aluminum-copper joints
A. Heidarzadeh *, R. Khajeh, M. Sajed - Investigating the mechanical behavior and microstructure of AISI 316L stainless steel sheets welded by resistance spot welding method using copper interface layer
H. Abedi Chermahini, M. Piran, A. Esmaeili Chamgordani, M. Atapoor * - Evaluation of heat input on microstructural and mechanical properties of dissimilar joints of D6AC steel to VCN 200 (1.6580) in GTAW welding
M. Mizabi Asl, M. Belbasi* * - Effect of time on transient liquid phase bonding of electron beam melted Ti6242 titanium alloy to AISI 316L stainless steel
M. K. Vojdanpak, B. Niroumand *, M. Shamanian - Friction stir processing of copper/silver-silicon carbide nanocomposite: microstructure, mechanical and wear properties
M. Rahimi, M. Omidi, S. Jabbarzare, H. R. Bakhsheshi-Rad, M. Kasiri-Asgarani *, H. Ghayour - Effect of friction stir welding process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum/polypropylene joint
M. Movahedi *, H. Shirovi Khoozani, A. Ozlati - The effect of Cr addition on microstructure and tribological properties of iron aluminide cladding produced by GTAW process
F. Shahin, E. Baharzadeh, M. Rafiei *, H. Mostaan - Microstructural and corrosion evaluation of AH36 low-alloy steel cladded with nickel and copper alloy filler wires using GTAW
H. Abedi Chermahini, M. Atapoor *, M. Esmailzadeh - Overlaying of colmonoy 6 on plain carbon steel by plasma transfer arc welding and tungsten inert gas welding: comparison of microstructure and wear behavior
Kh. Ranjbar *, A. Firoozi, F. Shahriari Nogoorani, S. F. Ziaee - Dissolution kinetics of γ′ precipitate in IN738LC nickel base superalloy using arc heat treatment
E. Ranjbarnodeh *, P. Raissi, A. Kolagar, M. Cheraghzadeh
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Accepted Articles
- Experimental investigation, statistical analysis, and optimization of the selective laser melting process for the titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V
Mehdi Safari *, Iman Dehfouli - Investigation on using Cu, Zn and α-brass interlayers in ultrasonic welding of CP-Ti to St12
Farid Bashirzadeh, Tohid Saeid *
Journal Information
- Current Issue: 2024، Volume 10، Number 2
- Print ISSN: 2476-583X
- Online ISSN: 2676-6787
- Director-in-Charge: Eng. Abdolvahab Adabavazeh
- Editor-in-Chief: Dr Morteza Shamanian Esfahani
- Publisher: Iranian Institute of Welding and Non Destructive Testing
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